Dear Editor,
I did not support Cheshire East Council’s budget for the following reasons:
This budget is unkind, this budget is uncaring.
This administration plans to reduce funding for our early help services.
The very service that provides unbelievable support to our families that face challenges and which can prevent children entering care.
This budget plans to cut the number of family service workers in early help.
Workers who have worked tirelessly throughout this pandemic and provided unstinting advice and encouragement to our families.
Yet they have a budget of £43,500 for 2020/21 to spend on replacing street signs.
What does this tell us, does the administration care more about street signs than children and families.
This budget is uncaring.
It plans over the next 3 years to reduce funding for commissioned services for children with learning disabilities by £3million.
This will affect families who already face unbelievable challenges.
Yet in October this administration agreed to spend £2.1 million on a youth zone in Crewe plus a further £400,000 per year.
This is probably a great idea for the youths of Crewe, but it doesn’t benefit the children of Macclesfield and rural areas who cannot get there and it certainly does not help our children with learning disabilities who live throughout the borough whose services are being cut by £3 million.
So, I say again, this budget is unkind, it is uncaring and I will not be supporting it.
Cllr Jos Saunders
I would like to see their justification for their decisions! Who did actually make that decision? Who was consulted? These people who make such decisions seem to be unaccountable and a rule unto themselves!
The people who make the decisions are accountable to the electorate. We have the ability to vote them out.
They are apointed to make decisons on our behalf. If we don’t like it then see advice above..