Dear Editor
Anybody who has tried to cross a road in a town or village will have been faced with drivers that don’t ‘let’ you cross the road.
They speed away giving little acknowledgement to those trying to cross the road in particular the old and vulnerable.
Whether that is in a village or in a town centre. Across all of the roundabouts with junctions wide enough to put off even the bravest of walkers.
If you have any kind of mobility issue, walking around is not enjoyable.
There is a proposal coming to the Highways and Transport committee in November to consider reducing speed limits where people live, work, and play.
If you would like to support this proposal please contact members of the committee at Cheshire East Council and ask them to vote in favour of reducing speed limits.
Scotland and Wales are doing it and we can do it too.
This is our window of opportunity to make change to our built environment, a change that will make it safer to cross the road.
Why should traffic speed through villages?
There are not enough crossing points and drivers driving at 20mph will be able to stop to let people cross the road.
It is about time the residents of the borough should come first and this proposal is one way of doing this.
If you would like more information visit www.20splenty.org and committee member details: https://moderngov.cheshireeast.gov.uk/ecminutes/mgCommitteeMailingList.aspx?ID=961
Yours faithfully
Cllr Suzie Akers Smith
Cycling and Walking Champion – Cheshire East Council
Applies to cyclists too, many a vehicle has tried to bully me off the road just because there is no room to overtake, some drivers need to switch to chill music, as even if you can overtake there is always a queue around the next corner, in this town so what is the point?
I cycle most days (though I wouldn’t call myself a cyclist) and generally don’t have that problem, though it does happen occasionally. I prefer to emphasis that most local drivers are considerate as I don’t want to discourage others from getting on a cycle, the more cyclists there are the better it is for everyone.
As someone who also drives a car I support this initiative as I appreciate that motor vehicles can be intimidating to others. In fact I would go further and mandate a speed limit of 10 mph on residential streets.