WWP Bobby - lyceum panto

At long last, panto is back. Oh yes it is.

After an extra year of beauty sleep, Crewe Lyceum has opened its doors to a fun-filled production of Sleeping Beauty.

Headlining the show this year is comedian Bobby Davro, X Factor finalist Amelia Lily and the fabulous dame extraordinaire Malcom Lord.

The Lyceum is always welcoming, and it was wonderful to go on Saturday night for Christmas festivities and fun.

The restrictions of the audience wearing masks didn’t deteriorate from the excitement and enjoyment of the show.

I really enjoyed this production, and judging from the laughter coming from the families all around me in the stalls, so did everyone else.

It was a perfect mix of panto magic and Christmas sparkle. Music, songs, jokes and audience participation.

A traditional panto which can be enjoyed by anyone of any age.

The cast were fabulous and worked brilliantly together. Bobby Davro was fantastic as Court Jester Muddles.

Ridiculously funny and entertaining, the entire audience adored him.

Malcom Lord was amazing as Queen Alexandra. A true panto legend, who returned to the Lyceum for his fifth Christmas season.

WWP Carabosse - lyceum panto

Amelia Lily sounded great as Princess Beauty and Bethany Alice Black was wonderful as Carabosse, the Wicked Fairy.

There was a number of things in the show which stood out for me, the 12 days of Christmas routine, the incredible number of jokes Davro told, the songs and dances.

But what shone through the most was how much fun the cast were having on stage.

At the end of the show Davro thanked the audience for coming, encouraged them to spread laughter and happiness and rather touchingly, dedicated the show to Bobby Ball.

I would happily see this show again, as I’m sure there were bits I missed from laughing so much.

Sleeping Beauty is running at Crewe Lyceum until Sunday 2nd January.

(Review by Claire Faulkner, images by Wes Webster Photography)

WWP Cast - lyceum panto

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