Thieves have swiped a large crystal chandelier from a charity shop in Nantwich.
The incident happened at the Age UK shop on Swine Market yesterday afternoon (April 27).
Shop staff say two people – a man and woman – picked up the large chandelier similar to the one pictured and ran off with it!
“We have at least one witness but would like more,” said the store manager.
“If you see this item for sale can you let us know.
“We have an identical one in the shop which wasn’t on display.
“The police have been contacted and we will pursue the matter, but need your help.
“We were selling it for £100, so you can imagine the impact this theft can have on our charity.”
If anyone can help recover the stolen item, contact the shop on 01270 623394 or Cheshire Police on 101.
Strange you would have an item in a charity shop for £100, are they taking the idea of a charity sale too far? The idea of browsing through a shop is to pick up something interesting for a few pounds, certainly anything priced at £100 is optimistic to say the least.
Normally high value items are passed on to sell elsewhere as the aim is to get as much for the charity as possible, and to pay the CEO too Sounds like an epic fail really
funny guy aren’t you Mark, how do you think jewelers look after their goods? careless staff allowing something donated in good faith to be stolen easily, I sold high end articles in my shop, you had to ring a doorbell to get in, and once in there was was to wall security cameras, lesson to be learned here need to do better
Well done on victim blaming Kev. Anyway, it wasn’t a dolls-house chandelier – how are you going to put a chandelier in a cabinet? Do you have no sense of scale?
Shame for the person donating it, should have been in a cabinet for safety
Hope you catch them,they are lower than low total scum