Budget - Rishi Sunak Chancellor - pic by Chris McAndrew, creative commons - grants

Dear Editor,
Four thousand, four hundred and fifteen American, British and Canadian soldiers died in the hell on the Normandy beaches on D-Day.

And French President Macron, American President Joe Biden and Canadian President Justin Trudeau gathered in the military cemetery above Omaha beach for an international event to remember them.

But not Britain’s Prime Minister.

After an earlier commemoration event, Rishi Sunak had flown home at lunchtime to record an electioneering television interview which wasn’t going to be shown until six days later.

As a 98 year old veteran said: “These men made the ultimate sacrifice, and you couldn’t even sacrifice an afternoon”.


Alex Tate

One Comment

  1. Worse still Labour refused to make a bank holiday when in power as well as the Tories….. Guess it’s easy to miss the real picture neither Red or Blue are fit to run the UK and Reform are the same

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