Tim strongman wins bodybuilding championships 4

A father-of-two from Nantwich has become a world bodybuilding champion after showing his physical strength and sheer determination over 20 years.

Tim Rosiek has finally clinched the world title after a muscle-rippling display of his motivation and dedication in the National Amateur Bodybuilding Association (NABBA) championships staged in Austria.

It’s a dream come true for Tim, 41, who began competing at regional and national level in junior classes 20 years ago.

He said: “I’ve been runner-up in the world four times and always sought the ultimate – to become World Champion, the biggest title in amateur bodybuilding.

Tim strongman wins bodybuilding championships 2“The competition was tough, as ever, but I trained really hard and finally made it home with the champion trophy.

“I’m still a bit shell-shocked but feel over the moon.”

NABBA, founded in 1948, has launched many successful Mr Universe careers in showbusiness including Steve Reeves who made 30 Hercules movies and Terminator star Arnold Schwarzenegger who won the title four times.

Tim started as a junior bodybuilder and has achieved second in the world four times including competitions in Greece and Australia in the early 2000s.

After taking a break, in which he had a family and concentrated on his personal training business, Tim returned in 2022 to come second again in Bradford.

He added: “Bodybuilding is where an athlete builds physique up to be even and symmetrical and then has to drop body fat as low as possible, to show off the muscles.

“Most suggest this is the hardest process any athlete will have to do in the sporting world as it requires total dedication and commitment for 20-25 weeks.

“This time was a sheer test of physical and mental strength, especially after nearly reaching my goal so many times.

“But, after making some improvements, I finally won the prestigious title this time in Linz, Austria on June 15.

“My family, friends and clients have been so supportive and I can’t thank them enough. I’m loving life and enjoying being able to eat normally again!”

The World Championships drew bodybuilders from across the globe with more than 200 competing in their respective classes.

Tim, who helps people from across Cheshire achieve their fitness goals, will now continue working with clients from his home gym at Walgherton, near Nantwich.

To talk about fitness and arrange a consultation call Tim on 07876 655644.

Tim strongman wins bodybuilding championships 3

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