A new support service for local carers of people with dementia is being offered by St Luke’s Hospice in Cheshire.
Weekly Dementia Carers’ workshops at the hospice in Winsford will allow carers to meet others, share experiences and provide them with practical advice and support from nurses at the hospice.
And so carers can attend the course of workshops, the person with dementia they care for can attend at the same time.
They will be cared for by dementia trained staff and volunteers in Day Hospice while their carer is at the workshop.
Clare Allman, Sister in Day Hospice, said: “We recognise that caring for a person with dementia can be challenging and stressful.
“Often a person does not see themselves as a carer, particularly if the person with dementia is a partner, parent or close friend.
“However, it is so important that they are getting the right support to sustain them in that vital caring role.
“The aim of the workshops is to offer a safe and relaxed environment in which carers can share their problems, concerns or experiences with others who can relate to their situation.
“Our nurses will work with them to develop coping strategies and also offer practical advice and information to help maintain their own health and wellbeing.”
Each course of workshops will run for eight weeks and is limited to a group of up to 10 carers.
It will cover topics such as financial and benefits advice, moving and handling, legal matters, advanced care planning and managing stress.
For more information visit www.slhospice.co.uk/dementia
To access the workshops, carers can refer themselves or ask a GP, District Nurse, Social Worker or other healthcare provider to refer them.
Contact St Luke’s Day Hospice on 01606 555681.
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