A Nantwich primary school placed in special measures could change its name and uniform, it has emerged.
Parents of pupils at Wyche Primary and Nursery School, on Manor Road, were given the news on the day children broke for Easter.
Wyche was judged to be failing by Ofsted last July and placed in special measures in September 2014.
Part of the condition was to make Wyche a “sponsored academy” to link it up to a successful sponsor school.
From September 2015, its sponsor will be Belgrave St Bartholomew Academy in Stoke-on-Trent.
But some parents have hit out at plans for the 100-year-old school to lose its name and historical link.
One dad, who has three children at the school, said: “This is shocking to allow this to happen.
“This school built over 100 years ago has been a pivotal part of this area and the name Wyche is historically important to Nantwich.
“We are proud of Wyche Primary School and although it has had recent troubles it is full of good children, good staff and is at the centre of our town.
“Nantwich should not forget that the previous Ofsted inspection to the recent one stated it required improvement but was on its way to being a good school. What a change in 2 years!
“Governors and school leaders hang your heads in shame and leave Wyche as it is with its own identity.”
In last summer’s Ofsted inspection, Wyche was graded as “inadequate” in most key areas such as achievement of pupils, quality of teaching, behaviour and safety of children, and leadership and management.
In the letter (above) to parents, signed by headteacher Wei Ling Lee and deputy Sue Spence, it states: “Becoming an academy is a very positive move forward for us and will ensure improvements continue to move forward at a rapid pace.
“As part of the process there may be a name change and uniform change.”
The letter also states that the sponsored academy link has already been passed by the governors and Secretary of State for Education.
A spokesperson for Wyche Primary and Nursery School told Nantwichnews: “Everyone connected with the school has been working extremely hard since last July to improve the teaching and learning.
“This has been reflected in our most recent Ofsted monitoring visit, after which the inspector concluded that the school had wasted no time in putting an action plan in place and, with support from Cheshire East Council, had introduced measures that were having a positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning.
“We have worked especially hard to improve the communication between the school and the families of Wyche.
“We do not yet know whether the change to academy status will entail any change to the name of the school.
“However, before any change takes place, we will consult families and arrange a meeting for them to share their views.”
Will everyone stop moaning , do we not buy new uniforms every term anyway and as for changing the name , the wyche is the worst school in nantwich so why be proud of the name ? When people ask me where my children go im ashamed to say the wyche so i think change is a good thing .
Changing the name won’t make the school any better, it is only being done to try and hide the past. It is a tactic that was used to great effect back in the days of Windscale.
Wyche may not be doing well now but not so long ago it was a really good school. We should be proud of the name Wyche or are you going to enjoy Belgrave St Whatever it is. The change needed isnt the name or the uniform and everyone knows that!!!
Apart from the dumb idea of a name change and new uniforms, I think It prudent to ask what these costs will be to both the authorities and parents.
Then I would question do you have the right team teaching in the school to guarantee future success? As two years is quite long enough for a turnaround in the schools performance. A name change and new uniforms would just paper over the cracks.
No name change is needed the wyche has been with us for over 100 years and it should stay the Wyche.brine leas changed to an academy but it didn’t change its name.I hope the whole community will be involved in this decision as it effects our children’s future.
I too, was under the impression Brine Leas hadn’t changed its name. So why does the Nantwich news insist on calling it Brine Leas Academy?
If Mr Roy was still there as headmaster none of this would be happening, don’t change traditions get a decent head teacher again!
A change of name and uniform will not improve anything. Maybe a change of leadership is what is called for??
How will changing the name of the school and its uniform raise its standards.? What a waste of resources.
A uniform change. Great – so all the parents have to fork out more money on completely new uniforms in the new colours. Uniforms which, no doubt, will only be available to buy from the school or their “approved supplier”. Meanwhile, a small fortune will have to be spent changing everything from signs to the notepaper. This is just a waste of money.