Letters & Opinion

READER’S LETTER: Help Nantwich town centre traders by reducing car use

READER’S LETTER: Help Nantwich town centre traders by reducing car use

Dear Editor,
I strongly support those who want Nantwich small traders to be successful having been one myself in the past, but feel that those who are campaigning for free parking are not going in the best direction.

August 20, 2020
READER’S LETTER: CEC members are destroying Nantwich traders

READER’S LETTER: CEC members are destroying Nantwich traders

Dear Editor,
Cheshire East Council has obviously been infiltrated by a devious group of councillors with dastardly aims.
Not branches of the Monday Club, ERG or Momentum, but even more devastating to the town of Nantwich.

August 16, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Campaign to stop Leighton Hospital “banning” A&E walk-ins?

READER’S LETTER: Campaign to stop Leighton Hospital “banning” A&E walk-ins?

Dear Editor,
‘Putting Crewe First’ is the ONLY local political party campaigning against the banning of walk-ins to A&E at Leighton Hospital from November.

August 16, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Government White Paper on planning a blow for Crewe

READER’S LETTER: Government White Paper on planning a blow for Crewe

Dear Editor,
The Tory Government’s Planning for the Future White Paper will virtually give housing developers the licence to do what they want, where they want and local people will not be allowed to protest.

August 13, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Ridiculous situation with car parking rolls on

READER’S LETTER: Ridiculous situation with car parking rolls on

Dear Editor,
I wonder if it has occurred to the Leader of Cheshire East Council, Cllr Sam Corcoran, and his Labour/Independent Cabinet that they have suddenly become responsible for taking the independence away from some of our borough’s older residents.

August 9, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Pedestrians at risk walking near Wistaston development

READER’S LETTER: Pedestrians at risk walking near Wistaston development

Dear Editor,
I am fearful that pedestrians (including myself) are at risk when walking along Wistaston Green Road alongside the 150 dwelling Bellway ‘Kingfisher Reach’ housing development currently being constructed.

August 9, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Raise a mug for Macmillan Cancer Support

READER’S LETTER: Raise a mug for Macmillan Cancer Support

Dear Editor,
I am writing to ask your readers to raise a mug for Macmillan Cancer Support’s 30th annual Coffee Morning so we can provide vital support to people with cancer, who need it now more than ever.

August 7, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Don’t halt progress for Cheshire East young people

READER’S LETTER: Don’t halt progress for Cheshire East young people

Dear Editor,
In the recently published public pre audited statement of accounts for Cheshire East there were reasons to be optimistic for the future of our children and young people.

August 6, 2020
READER’S LETTER: 8-month gap since full CEC meeting is “outrage”

READER’S LETTER: 8-month gap since full CEC meeting is “outrage”

Dear Editor,
The full Cheshire East Council last met on the 20th of February. It has not met since.

And it is not going to meet until the 21st of October – a huge gap of EIGHT MONTHS or two thirds of the year.

August 5, 2020
READER’S LETTER: More effective lobbying needed by CEC leaders

READER’S LETTER: More effective lobbying needed by CEC leaders

Dear Editor,
Last month in this column I highlighted the need for good financial evidence if Cheshire East Council is to be successful in lobbying Government for more money to meet the costs of Covid-19.

August 5, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Lymphoma Action support group in Cheshire

READER’S LETTER: Lymphoma Action support group in Cheshire

Dear Editor,
During these unprecedented times, connecting online is a great way that people can keep in touch.

This is even more important for those who are shielding because of health issues or vulnerability.

August 1, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Nominate local heroes for “National Lottery Award”

READER’S LETTER: Nominate local heroes for “National Lottery Award”

Dear Editor,
The 2020 National Lottery Awards are now open for entries.

This year the annual search for the UK’s favourite National Lottery funded projects will, for the first time, honour individuals who have made an extraordinary impact in their community – especially those who have adapted during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

July 29, 2020
READER’S LETTER: CEC could do more to retain Cheese Awards

READER’S LETTER: CEC could do more to retain Cheese Awards

Dear Editor,
As I write, ordinarily the market town of Nantwich would have been busy preparing for its annual show, the biggest one day event, known worldwide for its prestigious International Cheese and Dairy Awards.

July 28, 2020