Police hunt gang after dog walker attacked in Crewe
Detectives are hunting a gang of men who attacked a man walking his dog in Crewe.
The 38-year-old victim was walking his dog on a path off Doddington Road when a group of males approached him.
Detectives are hunting a gang of men who attacked a man walking his dog in Crewe.
The 38-year-old victim was walking his dog on a path off Doddington Road when a group of males approached him.
Reaseheath College’s food centre in Nantwich has achieved the highest standards of food safety and hygiene.
The centre was awarded the Grade AA standard for the second year running after being audited by the British Retail Consortium Global Standard (BRCGS) Version 8.
The number of people diagnosed with dementia has risen by a staggering 40% in South Cheshire in just five years, latest figures show.
According to NHS data, there were 1,620 people registered with dementia in the South Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group area in March this year.
Cheshire Search and Rescue Team Leader Simon Lane has been awarded an MBE in the New Year’s Honours List.
The award for the 48-year-old is in recognition of his services to the community in Cheshire.
A Crewe & Nantwich RNLI fundraiser has been recognised in the New Year Honours List.
Audlem’s Rodney Cottrell is one of five RNLI volunteers to make the Queen’s New Year Honours List 2020.
Stapeley RSPCA wildlife centre in Nantwich has had a record year in hedgehog admissions, with more than 897 being treated at the centre in 2019.
Stapeley Grange on London Road has seen a 47% increase in the number of hedgehogs at the London Road centre since last year.
Christmas came early for Nantwich and District Riding for the Disabled, based at Reaseheath College’s Equine Department.
Janet Maughan, of Overwater Marina, presented RDA volunteers Irene Pawsey and Liz Cleghorn and Bobby the pony with a donation instead of sending out Christmas cards to the marina’s clients and suppliers.
A man is fighting for his life after the horror crash on the A51 Nantwich Bypass last week.
The 37-year-old local man was driving a Mini which was in collision with a BMW on the road between Cheerbrook roundabout (A500) and Peacock roundabout (A534).
By Stephen Topping
The number of homeless households in temporary accommodation across Cheshire has risen year-on-year, according to new Government figures.
A man was held at knifepoint and robbed in Crewe as he unloaded shopping bags from his car, detectives say.
The incident happened as the 38-year-old victim parked his car behind Lina’s Nail Bar on Hungerford Road at around 7.15pm on Friday (December 20).
A householder in Willaston is appealing for the return of Rudolph, who was swiped from his garden by thieves.
The light-up Rudolph structure was taken from Andrew Cox’s front garden in Colleys Lane, between midnight and 4pm on Wednesday December 18.
By Stephen Topping, local democracy reporter
Landlords with longer-term empty properties face higher taxes as Cheshire East Council looks to toughen its stance.
The local authority increased a premium on empty properties in April 2019 – meaning owners of homes stood empty for at least two years pay double the amount of council tax other households pay.
By Stephen Topping, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council officers are working through thousands of responses from residents on a key document that could pave the way for a new travellers transit site in the borough.
The council ran a public consultation on the draft Site Allocations and Development Policies Document (SADPD) – the second part of the council’s local plan – in August and September.
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