What’s On & Reviews

Nantwich Museum to stage 1918 Armistice exhibition and talk

Nantwich Museum to stage 1918 Armistice exhibition and talk

Nantwich Museum is commemorating the centenary of the 1918 Armistice of the First World War with exhibitions and a talk.

Keith Lawrence will give a talk “The Great War 1914-1920 (and other facts you thought you knew)” at 2pm on Tuesday November 20.

November 12, 2018
Pay your respects on Nantwich Square at Remembrance Day centenary

Pay your respects on Nantwich Square at Remembrance Day centenary

People will pack the streets of Nantwich tomorrow to pay their respects on the centenary of the end of World War One.

And today we publish a list of those men from Nantwich who gave their lives between 1914-1918.

November 10, 2018
Nantwich Singers to perform at St Mary’s Church Remembrance event

Nantwich Singers to perform at St Mary’s Church Remembrance event

The Nantwich Singers will be performing in St Mary’s Church as part of the Remembrance Sunday commemorations on November 11.

They will be singing the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré as part of the events to mark the end of the Great War, 100 years ago on this day.

November 7, 2018
Christmas Lights switch on events for Nantwich and Crewe

Christmas Lights switch on events for Nantwich and Crewe

Nantwich and Crewe are preparing for their annual Christmas Lights Switch-on events over the next two weeks.

And both towns are hoping to use the festive season to pull in the visitors.

November 7, 2018
Masterchef winner Kenny Tutt to appear at Foodies Festival at Tatton

Masterchef winner Kenny Tutt to appear at Foodies Festival at Tatton

Britain’s top chef Kenny Tutt says he can’t wait to share his Christmas cookery tips with visitors to November’s Foodies Festival at Tatton Park in Cheshire.

Kenny, winner of MasterChef 2018, has begun his Christmas countdown to appearing at the event over the weekend November 16-18 when more than 15,000 food-lovers are expected.

November 5, 2018
Nantwich Museum opens new “Empowerment of Women” exhibition

Nantwich Museum opens new “Empowerment of Women” exhibition

A new exhibition “Empowerment of Women – a local perspective” has opened in the Your Space Gallery at Nantwich Museum.

Developed by members of the museum’s Research Group, the exhibition celebrates the centenary of the earliest successes of the women’s suffrage campaign.

November 5, 2018
Ghoulishly good as Nantwich and Crewe dresses for Halloween

Ghoulishly good as Nantwich and Crewe dresses for Halloween

Homes, businesses and families across Crewe and Nantwich looked ghoulishly good as people enjoyed Halloween across the region.

And here are some of the most eye-catching sights, as captured by our keen photographer Jonathan White.

November 1, 2018
Remembrance Service at Leighton Hospital in memory of children and babies

Remembrance Service at Leighton Hospital in memory of children and babies

A Remembrance Service will be taking place at Leighton Hospital to celebrate the lives of local children and babies who have died.

The annual service, organised by Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, will be held at 3pm on Saturday November 10 at St Peter’s Church, Minshull Vernon.

November 1, 2018
Mayor praises Nantwich Players as town “asset”

Mayor praises Nantwich Players as town “asset”

The Mayor of Nantwich has praised the amateur drama group Nantwich Players as a major “asset” to the town after watching its latest show.

Cllr David Marren was among packed audiences to watch the Players’ Autumn Production of “Breaking the code” by Hugh Whitmore.

November 1, 2018
MP Laura Smith – latest drop-in surgery and appointment times

MP Laura Smith – latest drop-in surgery and appointment times

Crewe & Nantwich MP Laura Smith has announced the latest drop-in surgery and appointment times for constituents in November and December.

It starts on Friday November 2, with a Drop-In Surgery at Nantwich Library from 10am to noon.

October 28, 2018
Age UK Cheshire to host Brine Leas School Christmas concert

Age UK Cheshire to host Brine Leas School Christmas concert

Age UK Cheshire have teamed up with Brine Leas School in Nantwich to provide a festive feast of entertainment for their Christmas Carol Concert.

Entertainment will be provided by the school choir, chamber choir, school band, chamber band and a selection of soloists.

October 27, 2018
Jason Cook to star in latest Nantwich Civic Very Best in Stand Up

Jason Cook to star in latest Nantwich Civic Very Best in Stand Up

Jason Cook heads up a top bill of comedy acts at the next ‘The Very Best In Stand Up’ at Nantwich Civic Hall on Friday November 2.

The first act of the evening is Andy Robinson, a seasoned performer who started stand up in the early 90s.

October 26, 2018
Nantwich Walled Garden Society seminar set for museum in November

Nantwich Walled Garden Society seminar set for museum in November

Elizabethan gardens are the subject of a seminar organised by Nantwich Walled Garden Society in collaboration with Nantwich Museum on Saturday November 10.

There will be four illustrated talks.

October 26, 2018