Post Tagged with: "council tax"

Why is Cheshire East Council facing £12.8m deficit?

Why is Cheshire East Council facing £12.8m deficit?

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council has come under fire from residents for increasing council tax by the maximum permitted while cutting back on services at the same time.

The council is also introducing its highly unpopular green bin charge from January and consulting on hiking up parking charges.

October 6, 2023
CEC councillors approve budget including 4.99% council tax rise

CEC councillors approve budget including 4.99% council tax rise

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East has approved a budget which includes cuts to services and a 4.99% hike in council tax – adding an extra £81.15 to an annual bill for a Band D property.

Council leader Sam Corcoran (Lab) told a meeting of the full council there was no alternative because “central government crashed the economy, local government are having to pick up that”.

February 25, 2023
CEC council tax changes for second home owners could raise £2.6m

CEC council tax changes for second home owners could raise £2.6m

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Proposed changes to council tax rules for second home owners could see Cheshire East rake in an extra £2.6m from 2024.

The government is currently bringing forward the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill which will give councils further flexibility when it comes to billing second home owners.

February 21, 2023
Residents to pay 6.4% more for Cheshire Police from April

Residents to pay 6.4% more for Cheshire Police from April

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Nantwich residents will see a 6.4% hike in the police precept after an attempt to veto the rise and replace it with a 5% increase failed.

This means residents living in a band D property will see an extra £15 for the year added to the policing element of their council tax bill.

February 8, 2023
LETTER: CEC should not gamble on “property speculation”

LETTER: CEC should not gamble on “property speculation”

Dear Editor,
Labour-run Cheshire East should NOT be gambling the hard earned Council taxes of local people on property speculation.

In 2019 Labour run Cheshire East bought the B&Q site in Weston Road, Crewe for £22.3m.

February 7, 2023
CEC fails to collect more than £20 million Council Tax in three years

CEC fails to collect more than £20 million Council Tax in three years

More than £20 million of Council Tax has not been collected by Cheshire East Council in the past three years, we can reveal.

Figures obtained under FOI show there is a staggering £20,8m of outstanding Council Tax debt from the years 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22.

February 2, 2023
LETTER: “Shocking” CEC Labour plan to close libraries on Saturdays

LETTER: “Shocking” CEC Labour plan to close libraries on Saturdays

Dear Editor,
Shockingly, Labour-run Cheshire East are proposing to shut libraries on a Saturday and reduce opening hours on other days.

‘Putting Crewe First’ is totally opposed to this.

January 26, 2023
READER’S LETTER: Crewe residents can’t afford police tax rise

READER’S LETTER: Crewe residents can’t afford police tax rise

Dear Editor
The Police Council Tax in Cheshire has gone up by 7.3%, 13.6%, 5% , 7.1% and 4.4% over the last five years.

Now, amazingly, the Tory Police Commissioner wants to increase the Police Council Tax by a huge 6.4% this year.

January 3, 2023
Residents asked to pay 6.4% more for policing in Cheshire

Residents asked to pay 6.4% more for policing in Cheshire

By Mark Smith, local democracy reporter
Residents in South Cheshire are being asked whether they would be prepared to pay 6.4% more tax towards the cost of policing.

The county’s Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer says inflation has added more than £14 million to Cheshire Police’s costs, with £6.7 million worth of savings already in the pipeline.

January 3, 2023
Cheshire Fire bids to raise Council Tax precept to plug £1m hole

Cheshire Fire bids to raise Council Tax precept to plug £1m hole

Cheshire Fire Authority has launched a consultation on its precept which it wants to raise by £5 per year for a typical band D household.

The authority says the amount would raise an additional £1.3 million in funding but comes as local councils and police forces are also raising precepts in a cost of living crisis.

December 28, 2022
Nantwich Town Council to reduce its Council Tax by 5%

Nantwich Town Council to reduce its Council Tax by 5%

Nantwich Town councillors have agreed to reduce the council’s portion of Council Tax by 5% for 2023-24.

The proposal was voted through by councillors at the Civic Hall meeting last night (December 15)

December 16, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Are we facing higher tax and fewer services in CEC?

READER’S LETTER: Are we facing higher tax and fewer services in CEC?

Dear Editor,
We are slowly being drip fed by the news that Council Tax nationally might have larger increases with the removal of some manifesto promises plus a reduction of some services.

November 15, 2022
CEC to make 130,000 council tax energy rebate payments

CEC to make 130,000 council tax energy rebate payments

Cheshire East Council bosses say they will make nearly 130,000 council tax energy rebate payments having been allocated £19.2m from the government.

The council is setting up two schemes for the £150 rebate.

April 5, 2022