Post Tagged with: "primary"

Latest league tables show performance of primary schools in Nantwich

Latest league tables show performance of primary schools in Nantwich

The Government’s latest league tables for Nantwich primary schools have been published, rating schools on the improvement shown by pupils in reading, writing and maths.

The tables show the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard by the end of Key Stage 2 (year 6), compared to where pupils were at the end of Key Stage 1 (year 2).

December 14, 2017
Cheshire East primary schools celebrate impressive KS2 results

Cheshire East primary schools celebrate impressive KS2 results

Nantwich and Crewe primary pupils have achieved an impressive set of Key Stage 2 SATs results across core subjects.

Cheshire East Council says provisional figures show 64% of pupils achieved the expected standard or higher for combined reading, writing and maths at the end of school year, which is the key measure used nationally.

July 12, 2017
College students help Nantwich youngsters boost health awareness

College students help Nantwich youngsters boost health awareness

College students have teamed up with Crewe and Nantwich School Sport Partnership to improve the health and wellbeing of primary school youngsters.

Sport students at South Cheshire College invited children and teachers from seven Crewe and Nantwich schools to explore nutrition and sporting activities.

November 7, 2016
Hundreds of pupils enjoy Brine Leas Activity Day

Hundreds of pupils enjoy Brine Leas Activity Day

Brine Leas School in Nantwich opened its doors to around 250 year 5 and 6 pupils as part of its annual Activity Day.

Youngsters from primary schools across Crewe and Nantwich were welcomed to the school to take part in a wide variety of fun workshops.

October 24, 2015
Highfields Primary to stage Fizz Fashion Show

Highfields Primary to stage Fizz Fashion Show

Highfields Community Primary School in Nantwich will host a Fizz Fashion Show in aid of school funds on Wednesday June 10.

A catwalk show starts at 8pm showcasing a selection of ladies clothing and accessories including bags, scarves and shoes.

May 4, 2015
250 primary pupils enjoy Brine Leas Activity Day in Nantwich

250 primary pupils enjoy Brine Leas Activity Day in Nantwich

Hundreds of youngsters from around Nantwich descended on Brine Leas Academy to enjoy the school’s annual Activity Day.

The event is designed to give year 5 and 6 pupils a taste of life in high school once they leave primary.

October 6, 2014
Nantwich schools to benefit from £8.1 million school places grant

Nantwich schools to benefit from £8.1 million school places grant

Nantwich schools could benefit from a slice of an £8.1 million Government grant to create more school places in Cheshire East. The handout is part of a national £2.35 billion injection into school places between 2014 and 2017.

January 2, 2014
Nantwich primary headteacher hails staff after rise in attendance

Nantwich primary headteacher hails staff after rise in attendance

A Nantwich headteacher who has overseen the biggest rise in attendance over the last year, has paid tribute to his staff. Andrew Ross, head at Millfields Primary on Marsh Lane, said new “Attendance Award” weeks have helped to improve figures dramatically.

May 21, 2013
Nantwich primary school’s Halloween disco raises £200 for new equipment

Nantwich primary school’s Halloween disco raises £200 for new equipment

Pupils at a Nantwich primary school helped raise more than £200 for a new build project with a frightfully good Halloween disco. Youngsters at Sound and District Primary turned out in force to a themed fancy dress dance organised by the PTA.

November 6, 2012
Nantwich’s Brine Leas School to host primary pupil Activity Day

Nantwich’s Brine Leas School to host primary pupil Activity Day

Brine Leas School in Nantwich is set to host around 250 primary school students from Crewe and Nantwich at its annual “Activity Day”. Children will take part in a wide range of activities, from kite-making to sweet making, science to technology.

October 5, 2012