The British Hen Welfare Trust’s (BHWT) Cheshire team is on a roll – with a third re-homing event set to take place in Nantwich.
It follows on from two very successful events in January and February where the team helped more than 700 hens find pet homes.
Now the charity has another re-homing of 240 hard-working ex-caged hens coming up on Saturday March 23.
The BHWT re-homes more than 60,000 ex-commercial hens every year and the majority of these have spent their lives in cages, laying eggs day in day out to be sold in supermarkets or put into processed foods.
At 18-months-old, their egg laying begins to slow down so they are sent to slaughter.
But the BHWT steps in and saves them from their fate and takes them to one of 40 pop up re-homing points around the UK, including Nantwich.
If you have space in a coop and would like to give a few hens a retirement filled with fresh air, green grass and sunshine, ensure you are registered with the BHWT at https://support.bhwt.org.uk/RegisterAHen.aspx and give Hen Central a call on 01884 860084.
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