Police in Nantwich say they have traced a gang of youths aged 12-15 behind a spate of anti-social behaviour in the town.
It comes after residents say they have been plagued by problems caused by a gang of around 5 or 6 youths in the Barony Park area.
Now police say they have identified the youths and that they would be questioned along with parents.
In a statement, officers said: “Following recent reports of youths committing various acts of ASB in the Barony Park area, officers have now identified all those responsible.
“They are aged between 12-15 and we’re in the process of contacting parents to arrange for them to attend at the police station to be formally interviewed.
“Despite it being the holidays we have spoken with local school leaders and the @CheshireEast ASB team to ensure we work together to address the recent behaviour whilst also doing more as a community to prevent such incidents occurring in the future.”
Resident welcomed the news as they revealed how the gang’s behaviour has affected them.
One resident said: “Had the pleasure of passing four youngsters ( around 12 or 13 years old ) Friday evening.
“One of them had knocked the litter bin over onto the pavement on the Barony Road leaving litter everywhere, after threatening to call the police he went back and picked it all up.
“It’s good the police are doing something though as the elderly would feel quite intimidated by them.”
Some have blamed lack of funding for youth groups and other initiatives, while others call for a tougher approach.
One FB comment said: “These aren’t the kind of kids who’d engage in such initiatives anyway!
“There is an abundance of activities for teenagers in Nantwich. They have access to amazing sporting facilities, army cadets, choirs, bands, martial arts – you name it and it’s probably on our doorstep.
“What these kids need is guidance and discipline from their parents.”
Police urge anyone who witnesses anti-social behaviour to contact the local team on https://www.cheshire.police.uk/a/your-area/local-policing-team-contact/contact-your-local-policing-team/
The town needs to come together, put these kids in the stocks on Pillory Street, and pelt them with rotten fruit! A slap on the wrists and a quick telling off won’t deter them!
There are no stocks on Pillory Street. Do you mean the pillory?
Everyone in the town knows what is meant by this. Perhaps you could give a view on the issue under discussion rather than attempting to be clever.
Boris and Sid, I think, speak for the vast majority of people in this town. For too long the Police have adopted the wrong approach, being too soft and allowing this activity to grow until it reaches the point where residents are being threatened. These youngsters know the law and that nothing will happen to them. Agree with the stocks approach, perhaps get the orange boiler suits to match whilst they do the work the Nantwich litter team do as volunteers.
Part of a wider issue which includes ASB in Brookfield Park. Local cops let down by senior officers who prefer ‘community relations’ to effective policing (apparently, youth smoking dope in the kids playground are ‘not doing anything wrong). Kids littering junk food and plastic bottles now endemic yet they lecture other generations about the environment. Teachers should use this to teach them about irony!
Gosh, it seems the local police have had to change their approach recently, as it was never this efficient before.
Indeed all of last year local residents have had to put up with some really nasty behaviour and language from these young people, makes you wonder what sort of parents they have.
Areas of drug-taking, littering, smashing bottles and criminal damage seems to have been stamped on by officers in other close areas to here, yet Nantwich has suffered in a really serious lack of leadership indeed, clearly these so-called “soft community relations” have failed miserably, resulting in kids just laughing at authority, and fueling resentment at the way residents have been unsupported, and glossed over just in case we offend the young!!
At last, we are being listened to, but there is much more that needs to be done, every school and parent should also wonder if they are doing their best, as clearly, past history suggests an epic fail