winter fuel - chief executive appointed

Dear Editor,

Thursday (24/2/22) at Cheshire East Council, I sat listening with sadness to the pleas of my fellow Conservative Cllrs as they repeatedly asked the Labour and Independent Coalition to not vote through their 2.99% Council Tax proposed budget for 2022/23.

Our residents are about to be hit by a tsunami of increases in their cost of living, right after the wave of Covid, which has pushed residents to the very limit of with what they can cope with.

Yet, the Coalition Administration did not listen.

Although we have learned recently this Council has set aside a separate “Smoothing Fund” or MTFS fund of £8 million which could used to help residents and mitigate the need to increase the taxation of residents who are already suffering the financial impact of the pandemic.

This is a separate fund from the General reserves, and one that has been accumulated in the shadows since 2019.

Last February, the Labour Leader Sam Corcoran (Lab) proudly announced in his 4-year financial plan that he would not increase this year’s budget by more than 1.99%, after he gave his approval to a £4.99% rise the previous year.

And yet he has reneged on his promise.

He agreed with the statement made by Chair for Finance Cllr Amanda Stott (Ind), who said “we have set future
Council Tax rises at 1.99%”.

I am appalled that this Administration is so pleased with themselves that they managed to present a balanced budget with “only a 2.99% council tax rise now” as stated by Cllr Craig Browne (Ind)

Where is the fairness they speak of so frequently, where is the compassion?

Where is the help for the middle man, who is not entitled to any form of benefits, yet is buckling under the pressure of trying to keep his head above water?

As they sit on a rainy day pot of £8 million, we have to ask, how stormy does it have to get before they’ll use it?


Cllr Kate Parkinson
High Legh Ward

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