A new memorial bench to honour Nantwich metal man Michael “Flash” Meakin is close to being completed and unveiled.
Nantwich Town Council said today that a local company is manufacturing the bench in Flash’s name.
The well-known scrap metal collector died in April last year aged 81.
He was known for walking the town’s streets for more than 50 years with his famous handcart, making a living by collecting people’s unwanted scrap metal and selling it on.
Thousands lined the streets for his funeral and many residents had called for some kind of memorial structure to be erected in the town in his name.
Now the town council has revealed that a memorial bench in Flash’s honour will be installed next to the River Weaver.
A council spokesperson also explained the delay in completing the memorial bench.
They said: “Unfortunately, we didn’t get the full funding for the bench through Crowd funding.
“So after that closed in September, we had to source further funding.
“We now have a local company who is currently in the process of producing the bench.
“This will be situated next to the river, just off Queen’s Drive, in the very near future.”
Cllr Arthur Moran, of Nantwich Town Council, had known Flash since the 1960s and lived nearby to him on Gerard Drive, Nantwich.
At the time of Flash’s death, Cllr Moran described him as “an icon” for Nantwich, who everyone will miss.
“He was such a stalwart over so many years collecting metal.
“In many ways, he was Nantwich’s first environmental officer, recycling metal well before anybody else starting recycling.
“I strongly support any plans for a memorial bench in his name.
“I saw him almost every single day pushing his cart up and down Gerard Drive, and used to have a drink with him in the Millfields pub.”
Flash never married and did not have children, but the town council has liaised with his existing relatives on the design of the bench.

Nantwich legend 🍺
Come on Phylis, why? Why “legend”? Not being funny, genuinely, WHY?
A man with some clear mental-health challenges who collected scrap, often illegally, not for charity but for his own gain. Why was he a legend? Well known, yes. But mainly because he was best avoided as he rummaged through bins and with your car to not run over him as he lumbered through the streets pushing an overflowing scrap cart.
I’ll look forward to everyone who still believes he was a legend sending the council the memorial money that they clearly forgot to before. Perhaps you could all go through the town bins, find some cans and cash them in for your donations?
Couldn’t agree more Dabber No1, all talk on the facebook groups yet when it comes to putting their hands in their pockets they’ve only got a card. The type of people who leave when it’s their round.
Hillarious, with so many people saying what a good guy he was (debatable) they could not bother to add a spare £ to to go fund me total, says it all really, clearly all bar talk
don’t like to speak ill of the dead, I am sure he was well loved , and a local figure, but the guy made a living out of collecting metal, not quite the same as someone collecting to sell for charity is it? Just seems a bit off message to me
At a time when we can’t pave our streets, surface the roads, or remove a tree stump from the square (completing the job), it’s good to read we have our priorities right!