Cheshire East Council has not prosecuted a single “rogue” landlord despite receiving nearly 1,000 complaints from tenants in the past five years, writes Belinda Ryan.
Figures obtained through a Freedom of Information request reveal 945 complaints were made to Cheshire East over the five-year period.
Public Interest Lawyers collected information from English and Welsh councils, finding that more than 100 of them did not take any landlords to court between 2019/20 and 2023/24.
Six landlords were prosecuted across Cheshire by councils across the five years, with all but one case initiated by Warrington Borough Council.
Cllr Michael Gorman, chair of Cheshire East Council’s economy and growth committee, told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “The figures quoted only relate to prosecutions, and do not take into account enforcement action, or work to engage proactively with landlords and tenants to positively resolve complaints, such as through mediation.
“Government guidance asks that councils only look to pursue a prosecution in the most serious of circumstances, and instead seek alternatives, which include enforcement notices and civil penalties of up to £30,000.
“Where possible, our housing officers take a stepped approach to enforcement – seeking first to educate, engage and encourage.
“In line with the council’s policies, enforcement action will not normally be considered as an initial response for breaches of legislation or regulation.
“However, there are occasions when enforcement action will be the most appropriate first course of action.”
The full report on landlord prosecutions is available here https://www.publicinterestlawyers.co.uk/statistics-and-research-on-landlord-prosecutions-in-britain
Dear Wendy
I have historically advised tenants of their rights. I dealt with cases where properties were not maintained and repaired as they should have been. Often properties were poorly insulated, poorly maintained. I recognise there are many very good tenants. My concern is Cheshire East Council have not published the details of how much money have they enforced landlords to spend on repairs, maintenance and improvements. Houses do cost money to repair and maintain. i have just spent £1800 on the repair and maintenance of two valley gutters. It required scaffolding under health and safety for the roofers to do the job. The standard of work was excellent.
I recognise that most landlords will do a good job
My concern is ensuring tenants are protected against the small number of poor landlords..
Wendy Kilgannon How can you be offended by a comment that did not actually apply to you, yes it is true there are good tenants and there also are bad ones, from the description made this tenant was lazy as they were told not to dry washing on radiators in the house yet ignored the advice, clearly that was the action that contributed to mould cannot be clearer I would say
I am a tenant and we are not lazy by any means.I am deeply offended by this comment. We have lived in the same property for nine years and we have looked after the property. We do our own guttering and maintenance inside and outside the house and rarely do we ask the landlord for anything. Please do not label all tenants like you do. That is not fair. We are really good tenants and I take great exception to the comment that most tenants are lazy.
I find the information unbelievable. It is staggering. Compare this car parking penalties. I think Cheshire East should publish a detailed analysis of their enforcement and the results of their actions.
How much money has Cheshire East Council forced Landlords to spend on essential repairs, and maintenance of properties.
The information provided appears very selective.
Again a lack of transparency.
A friend complained of mould in her house, I knew the lady that lived there for 20yrs before she did, never an issue. This friend dries washing on the radiators, the pans on the stove boil away and she never opens a window or drys them off, told her she needs a dehumidifier cheap as chips to dry clothes but she never bothered, just complained at the mould, I know for a fact it was down to her feckless washing drying and not the landlords fault, many tenant can be lazy and won’t be told she would just laugh at me when I told her it was her fault what can you do, feel sorry for her landlord