Hustings Chair - Paul Boniface - addresses the audience (1) (1)

A General Election hustings for Crewe & Nantwich constituency took place inside St Mary’s Church in Nantwich last night, writes Jonathan White.

The traditional hustings was chaired by Paul Boniface, who welcomed the audience and  introduced the candidates by name and party.

Each candidate made a short statement.

They then answered pre-submitted questions from the electorate on political issues, with each candidate given the same amount of time to respond, followed by open questions from the floor.

The hustings finished with a final summary statement from each candidate.

The candidates present in their bid to become the next MP for Crewe and Nantwich were:

The general election takes place on Thursday July 4, polling stations open from 7am until 10pm.

Voters must have valid ID to show before being allowed to vote.

Visit this page for all the details on the election.

packed St Mary's at election hustings
A packed St Mary’s at election hustings


  1. epic fail this was not announced before hand wanted to know why the labour party never answer emails regarding safety in this area

  2. And where was this publicised?

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