Business and Finance

FEATURE: 5 Dangerous IT Scams You Need to Be Aware Of

FEATURE: 5 Dangerous IT Scams You Need to Be Aware Of

Whether you own a digital business or are just a consumer, it is essential to be on your guard against cybercrime.

In Britain, 2020 saw a record rise in IT scams, driven largely by the fact that more of us are at home on our computers than ever before.

April 13, 2021
FEATURE: What’s behind the recent rise of Cardano?

FEATURE: What’s behind the recent rise of Cardano?

Based on market cap alone, Cardano is now the world’s third-biggest cryptocurrency.

Although currently, it receives less media attention than its rivals Bitcoin and Ethereum however this could soon change.

April 5, 2021
FEATURE: How to Trade the Best Forex Charts

FEATURE: How to Trade the Best Forex Charts

Trading the forex market can seem complicated for beginners but taking trading decisions becomes a lot simpler with the help of certain tools.

Live forex charts is one of the most important trading tools.

March 30, 2021
FEATURE: Skills for a Successful Law Career

FEATURE: Skills for a Successful Law Career

If you want a law career, there are specific skills you must have.

Law is a challenging course that requires one to be dedicated and hard-working.

March 27, 2021
FEATURE: How to Choose The Money Transfer Company You Need

FEATURE: How to Choose The Money Transfer Company You Need

A money transfer company sends money from one location to another, and in most cases, the money needs to be changed from one currency type to another.

Sending money within your own country is the easiest, especially since most banks allow you to do it for free, and companies like PayPal allow you to do it for free too.

March 17, 2021
FEATURE: Impact of Annus Horribilis 2020 on Nantwich businesses

FEATURE: Impact of Annus Horribilis 2020 on Nantwich businesses

The year 2020 has been a disaster for businesses around the country.

And those based in and around Nantwich have been just as badly affected.

December 21, 2020
Latest expansion of Park View Business Centre and Cafe unveiled

Latest expansion of Park View Business Centre and Cafe unveiled

Park View Business Centre between Nantwich and Whitchurch has completed and achieved full occupancy of its latest office development.

Five new tenants have been attracted to the area and alongside the new Park View Café, it brings the next phase of expansion work complete.

November 12, 2020
Jon Gold

Nantwich entrepreneur launches new insurance business in town

Nantwich Town chairman and entrepreneur Jon Gold is launching a new business which he brought to “life” during lockdown.

Jon, who runs a successful music retail operation, used his spare time during the pandemic developing a new vision for his “Broking Group” business offering protection for firms, individuals and families.

November 11, 2020
FEATURE: Furnishing Your House on a Budget: A Guide for New Homeowners

FEATURE: Furnishing Your House on a Budget: A Guide for New Homeowners

Buying your first home is undoubtedly an incredible achievement, so if you have just finished the paperwork.

Congratulations. Now that everything is final, it’s time to start thinking about moving in and furnishing your new home.

October 15, 2020
FEATURE: 5 ways to raise funds for your online business

FEATURE: 5 ways to raise funds for your online business

Today, just about anyone who wants to set up an online business can do so.

That doesn’t mean every business will be a resounding success — but even a personal blog can generate a little bit of spare income, done properly.

July 11, 2020
FEATURE: 5 things to do when moving business premises

FEATURE: 5 things to do when moving business premises

Sometimes you can find yourself making the difficult decision to move business premises.

It could be that you have outgrown your original place.

May 27, 2020
FEATURE: Why is security in the workplace important

FEATURE: Why is security in the workplace important

Let’s face it, most of the day is spent at work and in the workplace environment – when we’re not in lockdown!

When we leave the house in the morning to head off to work, we want to feel comfortable and confident that we are spending the next few hours in a safe and secure setting.

May 27, 2020
LETTER: Threat to local publishers during Public Health crisis, says ICNN

LETTER: Threat to local publishers during Public Health crisis, says ICNN

Dear Editor,
As you can imagine these are very worrying times for our members.
As an organisation, we are now extremely concerned.
This is a time when our members are crucial in ensuring public information reaches communities across the UK to inform and advise about public health.

March 25, 2020