Letters & Opinion

READER’S LETTER: Four free parking days by CEC just “a sop” to critics

READER’S LETTER: Four free parking days by CEC just “a sop” to critics

Dear Editor,
Labour-run Cheshire East Council are going to allow just four free days of parking in Crewe and Nantwich a year.

This is just a sop to the mountain of criticism the Labour Council has received from ‘Putting Crewe First’ and many others, for re-introducing car park charges after the lockdown.

July 27, 2020
READER’S LETTER: #BackTheBHF and help millions with heart disease

READER’S LETTER: #BackTheBHF and help millions with heart disease

Dear Editor,

We’ve all felt the strain of lockdown these past few months, which means that looking after our physical and mental health is extremely important.

July 22, 2020
Andrew Martin and Peter Groves

READER’S LETTER: CEC “huge mistake” with thoughtless parking charges

Dear Editor,
We wholeheartedly agree with our fellow Nantwich Town Councillor, Cllr David Marren, regarding the recent payment changes Cheshire East Council has made to its Pay and Display Machines on its car parks.

July 21, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Conservatives “did nothing” towards CEC active travel budget

READER’S LETTER: Conservatives “did nothing” towards CEC active travel budget

Dear Editor,
In the years that Cllr David Brown has been a Cheshire East borough councillor, he was the portfolio holder for highways and deputy leader of Cheshire East Council, until he lost his position due to a police enquiry over funding.

July 20, 2020
READER’S LETTER: CEC Leader should “step out of the past”

READER’S LETTER: CEC Leader should “step out of the past”

Dear Editor,
Has anyone else noticed that every time Cllr Sam Corcoran, Leader of Cheshire East Council, is criticised for his lack of leadership, or his infringements of freedom of speech, or his erosion of democracy, he immediately harps back to “appalling behaviour of Conservatives”?

July 18, 2020
READER’S LETTER: What’s wrong with my pound?

READER’S LETTER: What’s wrong with my pound?

Dear Editor,
I was contacted by one of my residents last week about the on-going problems with car park payments and the complexity of use and lack of working machines in the area.

I responded and advised my resident to email the complaint to Cllr Laura Crane (Highways Portfolio Holder).

July 18, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Councils “absent without leave” during pandemic

READER’S LETTER: Councils “absent without leave” during pandemic

Dear Editor,

The full Cheshire East Council last met on the 20th of February…… It has not met since.

It has not met for over FOUR MONTHS…… and has no plans to do so.

July 15, 2020
READER’S LETTER: CEC administration “snail pace” action on Active Travel

READER’S LETTER: CEC administration “snail pace” action on Active Travel

Dear Editor,

As Covid-19 tightened its grip on our country, CEC Leader Cllr Corcoran boasted of being able to cycle down the high street without the inconvenience of vehicles.

July 12, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Are we wasting CEC Leader’s “precious time”?

READER’S LETTER: Are we wasting CEC Leader’s “precious time”?

Dear Editor
At the most recent Cheshire East virtual Cabinet meeting, Cllr Sam Corcoran was irritated that questions to both himself and his Labour/Independent coalition Cabinet, from other equally elected Councillors, took up just over 40 minutes of the meeting.

July 10, 2020
Love Lane parking meter - no sign

READER’S LETTER: Suspend all car park charges in Cheshire East

Dear Editor,

I have submitted this petition to Cheshire East Council. Please go on-line to sign it. https://moderngov.cheshireeast.gov.uk/ecMinutes/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?id=92

Suspend all car park charges in Cheshire East.

July 7, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Whatever you buy, please shop “independent”

READER’S LETTER: Whatever you buy, please shop “independent”

Dear Editor,
England continues to emerge after three months of coronavirus lockdown with Nantwich businesses including pubs, restaurants, and hairdressers reopening on Saturday July 4.
I implore your readership to support local businesses in this beautiful town.

July 6, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Why the “dither and delay” Cllr Corcoran?

READER’S LETTER: Why the “dither and delay” Cllr Corcoran?

Dear Editor,

The Leader of Cheshire East Council Cllr Sam Corcoran is consistent on one thing, his inability to allow proper scrutiny of the financial challenges caused by Covid 19.

July 3, 2020
READER’S LETTER: Council “totally out of step” with its residents

READER’S LETTER: Council “totally out of step” with its residents

Dear Editor,
Once again this Cheshire East Council has proved itself to be totally out of step with its residents and visitors alike.

July 2, 2020