Clubs & Societies

Nantwich Museum drop-in to boost “Nantwich at Play” exhibition plan

Nantwich Museum drop-in to boost “Nantwich at Play” exhibition plan

Nantwich Museum is holding a drop-in day to gather information about local societies and leisure groups which could be used in its forthcoming Nantwich at Play exhibition.

The museum’s research group is assembling and analysing information for possible use in the exhibition.

November 20, 2014
New Pilates and Zumba classes held at Nantwich Parish Rooms

New Pilates and Zumba classes held at Nantwich Parish Rooms

Fitness fans can take advantage of free Zumba and Gentle Pilates classes being held at Nantwich Parish Rooms.

The free classes will be held this Friday November 21 and next Friday November 28.

November 19, 2014
South Cheshire George Formby Ukulele Society celebrates 20 years

South Cheshire George Formby Ukulele Society celebrates 20 years

By Jonathan White
South Cheshire George Formby Ukulele Society has celebrated its 20th anniversary at a concert in Wistaston Memorial Hall.

The event included group and solo ukulele performances, a harmonica solo, plus solo and duet singing.

November 17, 2014
Nantwich Museum Craft Group exhibition opens to public

Nantwich Museum Craft Group exhibition opens to public

An exhibition of work by Nantwich Museum’s Craft Group has opened in the community gallery of the museum.

Recent work by the group will be on display including the Voluntary Aid Detachment uniform made especially for the Great War exhibition.

November 14, 2014
Nantwich Litter Group to stage latest town pick

Nantwich Litter Group to stage latest town pick

The Nantwich Litter Group will be holding its second autumn group pick this week.

Hardy volunteers will be meeting up on Wednesday October 29 at 10am outside Nantwich Civic Hall for the latestr crackdown on litter.

October 26, 2014
Nantwich Spooktacular kicks off Halloween and fireworks season

Nantwich Spooktacular kicks off Halloween and fireworks season

By Jonathan White
The Halloween and Fireworks season is set to descend on South Cheshire.

And the Nantwich Spooktacular will kick it off this weekend with one of the biggest events of its kind in the North West.

October 22, 2014
Nantwich Choral Society to stage World War One concert

Nantwich Choral Society to stage World War One concert

Nantwich Choral Society is staging a special concert to mark the anniversary of World War One.

The performance of Karl Jenkins ‘The Peacemakers’ will be at St Mary’s Church in Nantwich on November 8.

September 29, 2014
Nantwich Litter Group tackles town’s rubbish grot-spots

Nantwich Litter Group tackles town’s rubbish grot-spots

Volunteers for Nantwich Litter Group are targeting the town’s grot spots again this week.

The team were out in force at the weekend around the town, and they will be staging a second group pick this Wednesday (September 24).

September 21, 2014
Acton Operatic Society prepare for “Oklahoma” show in Hanley

Acton Operatic Society prepare for “Oklahoma” show in Hanley

Acton Amateur Operatic Society will be performing a five-day stint of their new production “Oklahoma” in Stoke-on-Trent.

The shows will run at the Mitchell Arts Centre in Hanley between October 7 and 11.

September 16, 2014
Hundreds enjoy South Cheshire Model Engineering Society open day

Hundreds enjoy South Cheshire Model Engineering Society open day

By Jonathan White
Hundreds of visitors enjoyed the late summer sun at the South Cheshire Model Engineering Society open day in Nantwich.

Train rides, displays and demonstrations were held during the event held at the society’s base behind the Peacock Hotel, on Crewe Road, Willaston.

September 14, 2014
South Cheshire Model Engineering Society to stage open day

South Cheshire Model Engineering Society to stage open day

South Cheshire Model Engineering Society are holding their annual Open Day this Saturday September 13.

The event, between 11am and 5pm, is at the clubhouse and tracksite behind the Premier Inn and Peacock Hotel, Willaston, Nantwich.

September 9, 2014
Camra three-day Nantwich Beer Festival to open – in Crewe!

Camra three-day Nantwich Beer Festival to open – in Crewe!

Beer lovers will be in heaven this weekend at the Camra Nantwich Beer festival.

The festival is now relocated and will be staged at the Railway Heritage Centre in Crewe.

August 28, 2014
Societies Spectacular to be staged in Nantwich town square

Societies Spectacular to be staged in Nantwich town square

Nantwich town square will host the annual Societies Spectacular event this weekend.

Club and society members across the borough will be in the square between 10am and 2pm on Saturday July 19.

July 14, 2014