Post Tagged with: "Bunbury"

Bunbury Cllr Michael Jones is new Cheshire East leader

Bunbury Cllr Michael Jones is new Cheshire East leader

Bunbury Councillor Michael Jones is the new Leader of Cheshire East Council, despite a late challenge by Nantwich Independent Cllr Arthur Moran. Cllr Jones, also leader of the Conservative group, won an election after receiving 48 of the 73 votes cast.

May 17, 2012
Nantwich recycling youngsters undergo Cheshire East training

Nantwich recycling youngsters undergo Cheshire East training

Junior Recycling Officers in Nantwich and Crewe have been working hard to boost recycling and save energy. More than 177 primary school pupils from across Cheshire East have taken part in special training days this month.

March 26, 2012
Bunbury ward Cllr Michael Jones new Cheshire East Conservative leader

Bunbury ward Cllr Michael Jones new Cheshire East Conservative leader

Bunbury ward Cllr Michael Jones has been elected as the new leader of the Conservative Group on Cheshire East Council. He is now being tipped as new Leader of Cheshire East Council when councillors choose who will take over from Cllr Wesley Fitzgerald on May 16.

March 23, 2012
Parish grants boost for Nantwich towns and villages

Parish grants boost for Nantwich towns and villages

Town and parish councils in the Nantwich area have been awarded one-off grants by Cheshire East Council for the 2012-13 financial year. The grants are designed to alleviate the unfairness of double taxation for many parished areas of the borough.

March 19, 2012
Willaston and Shavington groups earn Community Grants

Willaston and Shavington groups earn Community Grants

A Willaston group is among dozens of organisations to receive funding in the latest round of Cheshire East Council community grants. Willaston Community Opportunities Group (COG) has welcomed a £300 grant which will help fund two more local walk leaflets.

February 14, 2012
Residents win A51 speed limit campaign at Reaseheath

Residents win A51 speed limit campaign at Reaseheath

Residents living along a notorious stretch of the A51 in Nantwich have won a battle to reduce its speed limit to 30mph. Families have fought for 13 years to restrict the speed along the road near Reaseheath College.

February 1, 2012

Nantwich pubs, restaurants and hotels up for food awards

Lady luck shone on a Nantwich couple for a second time when they won a hamper packed full of food, drink and other items. Peter Jones and wife Jennifer, of Gingerbread Lane, had their name drawn out of a hat at the Nantwich Show where hundreds of people entered the draw contest on the Nantwich Food and Drink Festival promotion[Read More…]

September 22, 2011