Creative youngsters who entered the 10th Rotary Club of Nantwich Primary Schools Art and Handwriting Competition were honoured at a prize-giving ceremony.
The winners and runners-up were presented with prizes by Laura Smith MP and Cheshire East Mayor Cllr Arthur Moran presented prizes at the Nantwich Museum.
Nine local primary schools submitted almost 800 entries competing for total prize money of £600.
The theme for the competition was “My Favourite Place”, which was interpreted in many different and creative ways by the children.
The judges were local artist and architect Martin Greenwood and calligraphy expert Frances Passmore, who had the tough challenge of choosing the winners.

Teachers, friends and family members of the children waited to hear what they had won as they knew only that they were winners.
The gifted winners were awarded their prizes as follows:
Gold Medal Winners (£50 gift voucher plus a medal each)
Key Stage 1 Art: Lillie Mogridge, Acton School
Key Stage 2 Art: Lola Hilton, Acton School
Key Stage 1 Handwriting: Aimee Lindop, Pear Tree School
Key Stage 2 Handwriting: Louis Hayer, Stapeley Broad Lane School

The school judged to have the highest overall standard of entries in both art and handwriting was Stapeley Broad Lane.
Kathryn Acklam, from the school, was thrilled to receive a cheque for £250 which is to be used to further enhance the school’s facilities.
In addition, 16 Silver Medal prizes of £25 in the form of gift vouchers plus a medal were awarded to the children judged to be runners up for artwork and handwriting in each Key Stage group.

Rotarian Ashley Weaver said: “This year is the tenth anniversary of the competition and I am delighted to see that it continues to shine a light on so much local talent.
“Many congratulations to all our wonderful winners and our sincere thanks to our generous sponsors – the William Hodgkin Trust and Lyon Griffiths, Chartered Accountants.”
The children’s work will be on display in the Museum until June 2.

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