Network Rail has issued a warning to drivers after the latest incident at a level crossing in Nantwich.
A van crashed through the level crossing barriers on London Road yesterday (August 17).
It led to delays for local train services and a road closure for around two hours.
Cheshire Police said the van driver handed himself in later in the day and he is being questioned by British Transport Police.
A Network Rail spokesperson told Nantwich News: “At around 09:30am on Wednesday 17 August we had a report that a vehicle had collided with the level crossing barrier at Newcastle Road level crossing.
“Trains through had to be put on caution and the road closed for two hours while the barrier was fixed, causing traffic disruption in the local area.
“Thankfully no injuries were reported but we would like to remind drivers that ignoring warning signs and instructions at level crossings can have devastating repercussions, putting lives at unnecessary risk.”
There have been several incidents at the same crossing in Nantwich in recent years.
Stunned onlookers and other motorists watched in horror as the Mercedes driver became stuck close to the railway line.
No one was injured but it caused major delays on rail services of up to three hours.
And in April last year, another driver crashed into the same level crossing barriers in Nantwich, knocking one of them off.
Again, the level crossing and road had to be closed while police and Network Rail engineers carried out repairs, causing long tailbacks and delays to train services.
Reality is that all red lights are daily being ignore on both rail and roads here, entitled drivers just do what the want it seems