Dear Editor,
The new multi storey car park in Crewe Town Centre is a monument to the stupidity of Crewe’s Labour Councillors.
Nobody asked for a multi storey car park. Nobody wants a multi storey car park.
And most people won’t use it, especially at night.
It is a £11 MILLION blot on the landscape that will cost local Council Taxpayers £hundreds of thousands a year to subsidise its enormous losses.
This is the last straw.
Crewe’s residents are very angry that they are not being listened to by their Labour Councillors.
The debacle of ‘the multi storey car park that nobody wants’ is the last straw.
Yours faithfully,
Cllr Brian Silvester
Leader #CreweFirst
Cheshire East council employees moving from Sandbach to Delamere House will certainly benefit from the new multi-storey car park.
Who is going to want to pay to park there. If they paid me I would not park there.
Crewe is the last place on Earth to need a multistory car park. We have hardly any shops left in the town centre, so who on earth would want to visit it? We used to be a nice little town – now we are an utter dump. Our town centre has gone, our once thriving market has been destroyed and I’m ashamed to think of visitors coming here now. A multistorey car park? What a joke.
Well the idiot who thought a big car park would bring shops and shoppers back, is a joker! lol. All voted for members need to remember that when there are no crosses next to their names they are out of a job, what a shame the local elections have already happened. Stop the building of the huge white elephant, and then move on to something more useful for the town. The town needs shops with low rents and good support services, not an empty parking block, morons who passed the building plans. So don’t shout about the what could happen, Stand up and stop it NOW. CEC fill in the pot holes, and have shops to sell the goods people want. CEC has a;ready closed the market to traders, and turned it into a boozer, and wrecked the car parking, into a prancing place for all sorts of non essential stuff. CEC has lost the point in giving services to the people in the borough, so now stop the building and start over, make the town work, not become a Very Big White Elephant, that is underway.
Did the rot set in when CNBC became part of CEC?
Like nearly all the residents in Crewe we would not have built the multi storey car park.
We would spend the £11m on filling potholes, getting the 67 empty shops in the town centre let etc.
Don’t vote for ANY of the parties in Parliament, Barry.
They have ALL let us down.
Replace ‘mutli-story car park’ with ‘another hyperbolic post by Brian’ and it still rings true…
How about telling us what you would do instead Brian? All we get is you howling into the wind…
There is nothing in Crewe, the shops are empty most of the town centre has been knocked down,what idiot thought I know what Crewe needs is a multi storey car park,just think on when the general election comes around,and no I am not a Conservative supporter,God help us what a total shower