Kingsbourne estate and Reaseheath bypass - by Jonathan White

The Reaseheath bypass “road to nowhere” looks finally set to open in summer 2025, the council has confirmed today.

The A51 bypass road was originally due to open back in February 2022 but has been dogged with delays and disputes ever since.

Main sticking points between the consortium of house builders and Cheshire East Council has been the positioning of a crossing and horse underpass.

Council chiefs said they “understand the frustrations” of residents who have waited years.

The main part of the road was built three years ago but has been fenced off and unused since.

Now it’s emerged all hurdles have been overcome and all associated works should start in January and be complete for opening in summer.

Councillor Laura Crane, vice chair of Cheshire East Council’s highways and transport committee, told Nantwich News: “These are developer-led works and we had been waiting for the responses to our questions regarding the technical submissions originally submitted by Kinsgsbourne Development for some time.

“These responses have now been received so we can audit the last elements of the scheme and provide a permit for the works.

“The council understands local residents’ frustration and now that we have what we need from the developer, we will fast track this scheme as a matter of urgency.

“We anticipate that the works will start in January and be complete by next summer.

“Between now and January, we will be putting traffic management measures in place in readiness for these works to begin.”

Reaseheath resident Vicky Higham said: “I would expect that all parts of the council involved in this including highways, footpaths, 106 enforcement and the developers would work together and have regular progress reviews with issues identified and options to resolve.

“It appears that there is a lack of engagement and working together on this. As a project manager this is standard practice for any initiative.”

The road was part of the original Section 106 conditions placed on developers building the Kingsbourne housing estate.

It was designed to relieve Reaseheath villagers of heavy traffic and provide an alternative entry/exit on to Kingsbourne from the current one on Waterlode.

Work began in July 2021 with an original opening date of February 2022, according to the worksheet at the time.

Parish councillors were then told it would be open by October 2022. Again, that date came and went.

In March 2023, Nantwich News ran an update story in its delays, with new documents being submitted to CEC for crossings.

Then in January this year, Cheshire East vowed to have the project finished in summer 2024 – but that did not happen.

Now finally, there could be an end to the saga – four years on from when work first started.

(aerial pics by Jonathan White)


  1. Trevor bailey says:

    Personally speaking can’t wait for it to open as I live in the town and anything that releives the traffic jams is helpful.

  2. As it becomes a rat run for motorists wishing to avoid town centre, there will be serious incidents on that road through the estate. Especially when the school is built.

  3. The road just does not look wide enough for two lorries to pass each other and the junction is too small?

  4. There is no way 2 HGVs are passing each other on that new length of road. So a one way system using existing and old road layout, what has this really solved?

  5. Road to nowhere that’s probably right here they say Cheshire east is bankrupt the amount of money poured into useless roads is beyond me not even middlewich has a by pass promised upteen years ago like swimming pool in 1960 s never came and never went

  6. I assume the final plan is to make Reasheath one way, with the road from the roundabout taking the traffic heading towards Tarporley. If not the plans surely make provision for the new section of road to be widened to safely accommodate two HGV’s or agricultural vehicles passing on each carriageway?

  7. It’s like the roads around leighton hospital, all an excuse to do compulsory purchasing of the land so they can build even more houses

  8. Chris Moorhouse says:

    CEC Pathetic. What are we paying for and trusting in our elected representatives and highly paid officers. Bet there is no comment/ official response. Nantwich Councillors please reply/comment.

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