Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my deep frustration and disgust at Cheshire East Council’s decision to introduce three-weekly black bin collections from April 2026, despite significant opposition from residents and even some councillors.
This short-sighted move, which the council claims is necessary to fund weekly food waste collections mandated by law, is a betrayal of the community it serves.
While I understand the council faces financial challenges, with a stated need to reduce spending by £100 million over the next four years, it is appalling that such an essential service has been targeted.
The estimated £1 million saving from reducing black bin collections pales in comparison to the potential consequences of this decision.
Residents are rightly concerned that less frequent collections will lead to overflowing bins, creating a perfect breeding ground for pests and infestations.
Additionally, it is naive to think this won’t exacerbate the already growing problem of fly tipping in our area.
The council’s plan not only risks public health but also increases the burden on enforcement teams, potentially negating any cost savings.
Cheshire East Council has ignored the voices of those it represents.
Many of us have repeatedly stressed that this decision is not in the best interests of our communities.
While weekly food waste collections are undoubtedly important, they should not come at the expense of maintaining a basic standard of waste management for households.
I urge the council to rethink this ill-conceived policy and explore other cost-saving measures that do not compromise public health, cleanliness, and community wellbeing.
Cheshire East deserves better than overflowing bins and the inevitable consequences of this reckless decision.
Jonathan White
Most people waste very little in food,but the packaging most of our food comes in is not in our control particularly as recycled waste needs to be clean and not contaminated with items of food.
As a result my black bin is by far my most utilised, so thanks council for being deaf to your electorates voices as usual, the whole lot need replacing utter rubbish.
My concern is this new food waste collection, where do we put that food waste, in black bin bags for collection, or will the council be providing plastic bins for such usage. What costs are involved in that? Also, the projected monetary gains in going to a three weekly black bin collection are just that ‘projected’. Far cry between projection and actual savings. How many green bins haven’t been collected when they are put outside your property, as we are paying extra for that. I even reported same issue to CEC Environment councillor direct to his email, took a week to get back to myself and then had the audacity to ask if I had reported issue to the ‘missed bin collection service’, which I had. Needless to say, I was told my issue was being passed to another person, nothing back from whoever that would have been and my green bin wasn’t collected within 5 days of reporting, it was collected on its next fortnightly collection date, despite remaining outside my property for a FULL fortnight. Paying hand over fist money for a useless and worthless system and Council. Councillors just pay lip service and treat you as an imbecile.
Cheshire east council 8s a joke, we pay ridiculous amounts of council tax for an inferior service. On a selfish note, the street I live in onky gets bins delivered to the they don’t cut the grass as this is cut by a private contractor,so all we get from the council 8s a bin collection. For this privelege we pay over £2,000 per annum. If they want to cut costs the simple answer which no one talks about is the golden pensions they pay out which comes out of our contributions. Get your inhouse sorted amd this goes to all councils. The private section pensions were decimated years ago, it’s about time the councils got upto the 21st century way of life. Sick of being forced to pay for inferior overcharged service.
When did a council or government ever listen to the people
Back in the 1960s your local council would collect your dustbin from your house put it on the front,
Along came the dustcart the bin was emptied and another worker would follow behind and return it to the place it came from.
Today it’s like a checain up the street dodging the Wheely bins, and trying to find yours is something not amusable.
This is the state of to much packaging being used by food manufacturers.
And to sum it up the council should get round the table invite people that pay there wages through sky-high rates because we don’t get value for money.
Great letter, but why are the bins overflowing when less waste will be in them due to the food collection bin?
Thought is primary in a argument not a comment with no thought