
Laura Smith MP October and November surgeries

DROP-IN SURGERIES Friday 4th October Drop-in Surgery Breeden House 2:00 pm—3:30 pm Friday 11th October Drop-in Surgery Nantwich Library 10:00 am—12:00 noon Friday 18th October Drop-in Surgery Breeden House 10:30 am—12:00 noon Friday 25th October Drop-in Surgery Breeden House 2:00 pm—3:30 pm Friday 15th November Drop-in Surgery Nantwich Library 1:30 pm—3:30 pm Friday 22nd November Drop-In Surgery Breeden House 10:30[Read More…]

October 7, 2019

Nantwich Vegan Fair

COME ALONG TO NANTWICH’S FIRST VEGAN FAIR AND SAMPLE THE DELIGHTS THAT VEGANISM HAS TO OFFER. Absolutely everyone is welcome and it is a great opportunity for anyone contemplating a vegan lifestyle to find out just how easy and delicious it can be. Entry is free of charge and once inside you’ll find an array of food stalls offering everything[Read More…]

September 30, 2019

Marie Curie fundraiser walk in Tiverton

The South Cheshire Support Group for Marie Curie is organising a walk on 2nd November.

September 29, 2019

Wildlife Talk – Bird Migration along the Black Sea Coasts

Wednesday 16th October 8pm at Methodist Church, Hospital Street, Nantwich CW5 5RP An illustrated talk by Steve Holmes about Bird Migration along the Black Sea Coasts £3.00 per person, including refreshments

September 27, 2019

RSPCA Stapeley Grange Masquerade Ball

A night not to be missed! Come and join us in celebrating 25 years of RSPCA Stapeley Grange at a glamorous Masquerade Ball! For one night, animal-lovers will come together to celebrate Stapeley Grange’s milestone and to enjoy an exciting and entertaining evening. Tickets for the event are £80 and includes: – Three-course meal – 1 bottle of wine per[Read More…]

September 24, 2019

Charity Quiz Night Nantwich CC

A fabulous evening of quizzing hosted by David Greatorex, whilst helping to raise funds for The Wingate Centre (registered charity number 327713) at Nantwich Cricket Club on Friday 11th October from 7.30pm. £9 per person, including light refreshments, for teams of up to 6 people. Prize for the winning team. Call 01270 780 456 / [email protected] to book a table.

September 23, 2019

Hula Hoop Class in Crewe

Hula hooping in Crewe, Cheshire This form of exercise is a great aerobic workout and keeps your abs engaged the whole time, which is great to shed fat and get a flat tummy. So the benefits are endless….. ??Complete Core Workout ??Fully Body Workout ??Helps to burn calories ??Good For Your Heart ??Improves Your Spine’s Strength & Flexibility ??Improve Hand-Eye[Read More…]

September 16, 2019

Nantwich Mind Body Spirit Event

A Diary Date 26th / 27th October an excellent Mind Body Spirit Event at Nantwich Civic Hall Doors Open 10am until 6pm. With 50 + Exhibitors & 30 + Talks Workshops & Demonstrations Of Mediumship All Included In The Entrance Of £3 concession £3.50 full price weekend pass £5 & £6 in advance or £1 more on the door

September 16, 2019

A Crewe Crafty Christmas

We are holding our first ever craft fair at Crewe Heritage Centre on Saturday 1yth November between 10am and 4pm. We are looking for stallholders to join us for just £10 for a 6ft pitch. ( this is not a railway related event) We are planning lots of local advertisement for this event and are looking forward to it being[Read More…]

September 11, 2019

Nantwich Concert Band Quiz Night

Nantwich Concert Band invite you to their annual Quiz Night on Friday 20th September 7.30pm at Nantwich Cricket Club on Whitehouse Lane, CW5 6HH Entry: £2 per person max. team size 4 Refreshments available from Bar, plus a Raffle

September 6, 2019

Band Night and Hog Roast

Heavy Weather’s Neil McCallum, aka Keggs, and Jim Kirkpatrick are playing with new band Second Sunrise at Wrenbury Village Hall on Friday 20th September. Steve Hayes will also be adding his vocal and guitar talents. Hog roast included in ticket price of £12.50. Please contact Rachel Cope 01270 780030, if you would like to purchase a ticket. Check out Facebook[Read More…]

August 29, 2019

Jamaica coming to Nantwich

Cave Valley Kitchens are pleased to announce that they will be at The Oddfellows Arms during opening hours of this Friday and Saturday as part of the Food Festival. We will be serving traditional Jamaican Street Food including Curried Goad, Jerk Chicken and Reggae Wraps. Good Appetite, We look forward to feeding you

August 29, 2019

SOVIET THREAT at Secret Bunker

Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, Nr. Nantwich. The museum is taking a step back in time and investigating what life was like either side of the Berlin Wall during the Cold War. Keep an eye out for patrolling troops around the Nantwich area on Saturday and Sunday morning as the Bunker welcomes re-enactors and their military vehicles in through its[Read More…]

August 28, 2019