Human Interest

Becky and Elle

Film shows Nantwich mum’s fundraising efforts in memory of Elle

An inspiring film shows how Nantwich mum Becky Whitfield has been raising money for cystic fibrosis sufferers in memory of her daughter Elle.

The 31-year-old has worked tirelessly for the cause since Elle Morris died a few days after Christmas last year.

December 26, 2018
Police appeal after dog snatched from Nantwich car park

Police appeal after dog snatched from Nantwich car park

Police are hunting for a man believed to have snatched this dog from its owner’s car in Nantwich.

The Jack Russell Terrier called Mouse was taken from owner Mandy Glover who was parked on Morrisons supermarket car park at the time.

December 24, 2018
Nantwich war veteran, 95, awarded Legion d’honneur by France

Nantwich war veteran, 95, awarded Legion d’honneur by France

A Nantwich war veteran was given a special 95th birthday surprise – by being awarded the Legion d’honneur by France!

Ronald Wilson was presented with France’s highest honour for people involved in the liberation of France from the Nazis in the Second World War.

December 23, 2018
More HS2 trains through Crewe could be “major saving” on £56 billion project

More HS2 trains through Crewe could be “major saving” on £56 billion project

By Stephen Topping, local democracy reporter
“A major saving” could be found in the cost of HS2 if Crewe gets five to seven trains an hour, transport chiefs have been told.

The Government announced in March it is backing updated plans for the Crewe hub, which would support up to seven high-speed trains an hour.

December 23, 2018
Family takes 75-year-old back to historic Nantwich pub birthplace

Family takes 75-year-old back to historic Nantwich pub birthplace

A family are taking their mum back to her Nantwich pub birthplace today – as a special 75th birthday surprise!

Norma Rooney’s family wanted to give her a special memory and decided to stage a party in the Black Lion in Welsh Row – where she was born back on December 22, 1943.

December 22, 2018
Crewe & Nantwich Round Table break record with Santa’s Float collection

Crewe & Nantwich Round Table break record with Santa’s Float collection

Crewe and Nantwich Round Table have broken festive records this Christmas after collecting more than £11,000 on Santa’s Float.

The float has spent the last two weeks on its traditional tour of all corners of Crewe, Nantwich and surrounding villages.

December 21, 2018
Jones, Herbert St John; The Old Crown Inn, Nantwich, Cheshire, c.1828; Nantwich Museum;

Historians’ “Nantwich Pubs” book proves big hit

A book published by Nantwich Museum on the history of Nantwich Pubs has proved a massive hit.

The first edition sold out within a few weeks of the launch and a second edition has been produced to cater for the Christmas market.

December 21, 2018
Human remains discovery in Nantwich cottage is “hoax”, say police

Human remains discovery in Nantwich cottage is “hoax”, say police

Police say the discovery of human remains at a cottage near Nantwich is being treated as a ‘hoax’.

Members of a paranormal group contacted police in the middle of the night after claiming to have found a human bone behind a wall of the derelict cottage in Newhall, off the A530.

December 20, 2018
A500 dualling project to start in 2020 after planning approval gained

A500 dualling project to start in 2020 after planning approval gained

By Stephen Topping, local democracy reporter
A major project to dual the A500 single carriageway between Crewe will start in 2020 after it was given planning approval.

The £55 million project has been unanimously approved by Cheshire East Council’s strategic planning board at a meeting yesterday (December 19).

December 20, 2018
Nantwich ‘star’ apprentices honoured at Reaseheath College awards

Nantwich ‘star’ apprentices honoured at Reaseheath College awards

A local butcher and his apprentice were among the ‘stars’ to take top honours at an apprenticeship awards ceremony at Reaseheath College in Nantwich.

The event highlighted the achievement of 150 apprentices who had gained their qualifications at the specialist and technical college in the past year.

December 20, 2018
Cheshire East organisations sign up to support ex-services civilians

Cheshire East organisations sign up to support ex-services civilians

Organisations across Cheshire East have signed an agreement to support ex-military personnel re-adjusting to life on “civvy street”.

More than 20 key organisations have signed the Cheshire Armed Forces Covenant Partnership.

December 19, 2018
Council deal paves way for Stapeley gardeners to apply for allotments

Council deal paves way for Stapeley gardeners to apply for allotments

Gardeners in Stapeley can now apply for allotment sites after a deal was struck between their parish council and Nantwich Town Council.

The two authorities have come to a financial agreement so Stapeley residents can now apply for allotments in Nantwich town boundary.

December 19, 2018
Fears over rising mental health problems among Cheshire Police officers

Fears over rising mental health problems among Cheshire Police officers

By Stephen Topping, local democracy reporter
A former Cheshire Police officer has claimed sickness levels will continue to rise in the force after a report found that mental health issues are common.

Bob Fousert and Sally Hardwick, independent members of the police and crime panel, visited the occupational health unit at Cheshire Police’s headquarters in Winsford.

December 19, 2018