
Burglars target Nantwich house and steal two parked cars

Burglars target Nantwich house and steal two parked cars

Burglars broke into a house on a Nantwich estate and then made off with two cars parked on the driveway. The offenders struck at a property on Chater Drive, on the Pear Tree Fields estate in Stapeley.

October 24, 2013
Ultimate 80s Christmas Party planned for Nantwich Civic Hall

Ultimate 80s Christmas Party planned for Nantwich Civic Hall

The Ultimate 80s Christmas Party will take place at Nantwich Civic Hall on Saturday December 7. Nantwich Town Council has teamed up with local entertainment group Warble Events to stage the party in the run up to the festive season.

October 24, 2013
Strictly Dancing star urges Nantwich couples to join St Luke’s competition

Strictly Dancing star urges Nantwich couples to join St Luke’s competition

Ex Strictly Come Dancing star Flavia Cacace is urging Nantwich couples to quick step up to St Luke’s “Strictly Learn to Dance 2014” event. The hospice is running the contest after a successful campaign last year, which saw the winners crowned at a Nantwich Civic Hall finale.

October 24, 2013
Lorry fire closes M6 in Cheshire, sparking 10-mile tailbacks

Lorry fire closes M6 in Cheshire, sparking 10-mile tailbacks

Thousands of drivers were delayed for hours in Cheshire today after the M6 was closed because of a lorry fire. The truck carrying plastic pallets caught fire on the northbound carriageway near Knutsford.

October 23, 2013
Nantwich shoppers “bedazzled” by Spooktacular event organisers

Nantwich shoppers “bedazzled” by Spooktacular event organisers

Nantwich shoppers were bedazzled by “witches” selling tickets to a massive community bonfire and fireworks night. Staff of Blitz Fireworks, in Crewe, were busy dealing with hundreds of people looking forward to Spooktacular 2013 at Dorfold Park.

October 22, 2013
Reaseheath College students celebrate graduation in Nantwich

Reaseheath College students celebrate graduation in Nantwich

Graduates from Reaseheath College celebrated gaining their degrees at a high profile ceremony in Nantwich. Dressed in gowns and mortar boards, 135 graduates spilled out of St Mary’s Church for photographs with TV personality and farmer Kate Humble.

October 22, 2013
Government ruling exposes Nantwich to developers, fear campaigners

Government ruling exposes Nantwich to developers, fear campaigners

Nantwich campaigners fear a Government Minister rejection of Cheshire East’s 5-year land supply claim, has left the area wide open to housing developers. Secretary of State Eric Pickles (pictured) dismissed the council’s claim it has a 5-year housing plan, when he upheld two appeals by developers.

October 21, 2013
Nantwich man to auction rare Victorian sculpture found under a house

Nantwich man to auction rare Victorian sculpture found under a house

A Nantwich man is to sell a rare Victorian marble sculpture which he found buried under a farmhouse nearly 50 years ago. Graeme Kerr, 72, wants to sell the sculpture of a cherub-like boy with his dog as he is down-sizing.

October 21, 2013
Crewe and Nantwich based Redshift Radio submits Ofcom FM licence bid

Crewe and Nantwich based Redshift Radio submits Ofcom FM licence bid

Crewe and Nantwich community station RedShift Radio has submitted a formal bid to Ofcom for a full time FM licence. If granted, it will see the station broadcasting on the airwaves to thousands of listeners across South Cheshire.

October 21, 2013
Swirly Whirlys Nantwich celebrates a year of hospice fund-raising

Swirly Whirlys Nantwich celebrates a year of hospice fund-raising

Staff and supporters at St Luke’s (Cheshire) Hospice’s Nantwich Swirly Whirlys cafe celebrated its one year anniversary of trading. And it had added excitement – with the launch of its new “Room at the Top” vintage boutique.

October 18, 2013
Large hoardings plan to boost Christmas trade in Nantwich

Large hoardings plan to boost Christmas trade in Nantwich

A Nantwich retail group is planning to erect 40 large hoardings across the region to promote Christmas shopping in the town. The scheme has been put together by the Nantwich Town Council Retail and Town Centre Group.

October 18, 2013
Network Rail “sorry” over five-day closure of Nantwich level crossing

Network Rail “sorry” over five-day closure of Nantwich level crossing

Rail chiefs have apologised for causing traffic chaos in and around Nantwich for most of the week. The closure of the London Road A51 level crossing since Monday has caused long delays across the town.

October 18, 2013
Nantwich Litter Group launches new Saturday “group pick”

Nantwich Litter Group launches new Saturday “group pick”

Nantwich Litter Group is extending its reach to include a monthly “group pick” on the third Saturday of the month. The first of these “Saturday Picks” will be held this weekend October 19.

October 17, 2013