Post Tagged with: "councillors"

Cheshire East councillors in furious row over ‘cost of living’ motion

Cheshire East councillors in furious row over ‘cost of living’ motion

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
A furious row erupted at a Cheshire East Council meeting with Labour councillors refusing to back a cost of living motion which included a reference to thanking the government for its support.

The notice of motion (NoM) was proposed by Cllr Janet Clowes (Wybunbury, Con) and the adults and health committee was asked to make a decision to accept or reject it and to acknowledge the work done by officers on the cost of living crisis.

January 26, 2023
Cheshire East Council signs up to “Fair Tax Declaration”

Cheshire East Council signs up to “Fair Tax Declaration”

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East has signed up to a declaration to ensure the council does its best to only use suppliers and companies who pay fair taxes.

The finance sub-committee narrowly voted in favour of the council signing up to the Fair Tax Declaration – four councillors voted in favour, two against and two abstained.

January 23, 2023
CEC should sell off old buildings before cutting services, say Tories

CEC should sell off old buildings before cutting services, say Tories

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Tory councillors have demanded to know why Cheshire East Council is not selling off or re-using derelict buildings instead of proposing staff and service cuts.

Members of the children and families committee met to discuss the medium term financial strategy 2023-27 where savings have to be made as the council struggles to balance its books as costs rise, inflation soars and demand on the service grows.

January 20, 2023
Janet Clowes, Conservative group leader

READER’S LETTER: CEC committee system “devaluing” elected councillors

Dear Editor
At December’s Full Council meeting Council Leader Sam Corcoran used his “Leader Speaking Time” to bewail rising risks, demand for care services and rising inflation and predicting £20m shortfalls in next year’s budget.

December 19, 2022
Cheshire East Council adopts second part of Local Plan

Cheshire East Council adopts second part of Local Plan

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East has adopted the second part of its local plan with some councillors voting against it.

Some warned at the council meeting this week that planners would have to go back to the drawing board if it was rejected.

December 17, 2022
Expansion of South Cheshire special school gets council go ahead

Expansion of South Cheshire special school gets council go ahead

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
A special school in South Cheshire can go ahead with expansion plans to accommodate an extra 60 pupils after Cheshire East gave permission for an extension to be built.

Springfield School caters for children and young people, between the ages of four and 19, who have autism, severe learning difficulties and complex needs.

November 30, 2022
Cheshire East councillors debate plan to issue fines for idling engines

Cheshire East councillors debate plan to issue fines for idling engines

By Jonathan Sutton, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council could soon start issuing fines to drivers who leave their engine idling as a review of the policy is taking place.

This could mean parents waiting to pick up their children outside schools in the borough who refuse to turn their engine off could face a £60 fine.

November 24, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Crewe is ‘Blocked Drains Capital’ of Cheshire East

READER’S LETTER: Crewe is ‘Blocked Drains Capital’ of Cheshire East

Dear Editor,
On average there is a report of a flood or a blocked gullie in Crewe every working day.

Because of that, Crewe has more road and footpath flooding than anywhere else in Cheshire East.

November 19, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Are we facing higher tax and fewer services in CEC?

READER’S LETTER: Are we facing higher tax and fewer services in CEC?

Dear Editor,
We are slowly being drip fed by the news that Council Tax nationally might have larger increases with the removal of some manifesto promises plus a reduction of some services.

November 15, 2022
More than £1.2 million allowances paid to CEC councillors in 2021-22

More than £1.2 million allowances paid to CEC councillors in 2021-22

More than £1.2 million was paid out in allowances and expenses between 82 Cheshire East councillors in 2021-22, latest figures show.

Cheshire East Council has published details of the allowances paid to elected members during the last financial year, as required by law.

November 14, 2022
CEC councillors narrowly vote in controversial new “code of conduct”

CEC councillors narrowly vote in controversial new “code of conduct”

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East councillors have narrowly approved a new code of conduct despite opposition from nearly half the council because it doesn’t include a right of appeal against complaints.

Conservative councillors had called for the matter to be deferred, saying the working group set up to look into the new code hadn’t completed its work.

October 25, 2022
Councillors call for “safe night travel” motion in Cheshire East

Councillors call for “safe night travel” motion in Cheshire East

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Employers should take some responsibility for ensuring shift workers get home safely and Cheshire East should consider this when pubs and clubs apply for late-night licences, two councillors have said.

Councillors Laura Smith and Sally Handley have put forward a motion to next week’s meeting of the full council calling for safe night time travel for workers.

October 17, 2022
Scale of death threats and abuse faced by Cheshire East councillors unveiled

Scale of death threats and abuse faced by Cheshire East councillors unveiled

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Death threats, excrement posted through the letterbox, stalking, trolling and obscene phone calls – these are just some examples of the harassment experienced by Cheshire East councillors.

And while it’s definitely not true to say all have suffered such treatment, even some of those who said they received no abuse did qualify it with, ‘other than what you expect’.

October 16, 2022