Post Tagged with: "Nantwich Town Council"

Nantwich Mayor grilled by pupils in “Super Stapeley” project

Nantwich Mayor grilled by pupils in “Super Stapeley” project

Nantwich Town Mayor David Marren was under the microscope as young pupils grilled him as part of their school project!

Cllr Marren was invited in to Pear Tree Primary in Stapeley to be interrogated by year one Orange Class as part of their “Super Stapeley, Super Me” project.

March 21, 2019
Council deal paves way for Stapeley gardeners to apply for allotments

Council deal paves way for Stapeley gardeners to apply for allotments

Gardeners in Stapeley can now apply for allotment sites after a deal was struck between their parish council and Nantwich Town Council.

The two authorities have come to a financial agreement so Stapeley residents can now apply for allotments in Nantwich town boundary.

December 19, 2018
Nantwich in Bloom hails “tremendous accolade” after eighth consecutive Gold

Nantwich in Bloom hails “tremendous accolade” after eighth consecutive Gold

Members of Nantwich in Bloom have hailed their eighth consecutive Gold Award at the North West in Bloom Awards as a “tremendous accolade”.

An army of volunteers helped keep the town clean and colourful over the spring and summer, despite the searing temperatures and drought-like conditions.

November 26, 2018
Nantwich Town Council helps raise modern day slavery awareness

Nantwich Town Council helps raise modern day slavery awareness

Nantwich Town Council is helping to raise awareness of modern day slavery and the exploitation of vulnerable people.

The council has teamed up with South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce and Libre Solutions Ltd (not for profit company) as part of the initiative.

August 24, 2018
Choirs performance raises £300 for Nantwich Mayor charities

Choirs performance raises £300 for Nantwich Mayor charities

Two choirs teamed up to help raise £300 for the Mayor of Nantwich charities.

The concert involved two community choirs, Simply Allsorts and Simple Harmony, singing together.

August 17, 2018
Nantwich residents call for action on town centre areas blighted by waste

Nantwich residents call for action on town centre areas blighted by waste

Residents in Nantwich are calling for action to make town centre stores tidy commercial waste and rubbish off the streets.

Many say not enough is being done and calls for a late night levy on commercial premises have re-surfaced.

January 30, 2018
Councils remain bogged down in Nantwich allotments legal row

Councils remain bogged down in Nantwich allotments legal row

Two councils are still bogged down in a 12-month legal battle over who should resolve flooded allotments in Nantwich.

As allotment tenants at the Brookfield site highlight their battle with swamped plots, Nantwich Town Council and Cheshire East Council remain at loggerheads.

January 12, 2018
Flooded allotments on Brookfield, Nantwich

Nantwich allotment holders’ anger over flooded plots while councils argue

Allotment gardeners in Nantwich are spending a third winter under water – because two councils are arguing over who should fund repairs to a burst drain.

More than 20 plots on the site between Brookfield Park and Park Road, are flooded out again.

January 10, 2018
Crewe and Nantwich homes all dressed up for Christmas

Crewe and Nantwich homes all dressed up for Christmas

It’s that time of year again when homes across Crewe and Nantwich light up the night sky with their amazing Christmas decorations.

And photographer Jonathan White has been out and about to capture the most eye-catching light displays.

December 22, 2017
Nantwich Town Council to raise Council Tax by 3.9%

Nantwich Town Council to raise Council Tax by 3.9%

Nantwich councillors are to raise Council Tax for the town’s 5,200 households by 3.9%.

The rise will provide the council with a precept of £574,958 for the 2018-19 financial year.

December 8, 2017
Working group set up to tackle Nantwich travellers issue on Barony Park

Working group set up to tackle Nantwich travellers issue on Barony Park

A cross-party working group of community members has met to tackle the problems of travellers illegally setting up camps on Barony Park in Nantwich.

Councillors from all parties, officers from Cheshire East and Nantwich Town Council, and Cheshire police officers and residents’ representatives, have met to address the issue.

June 11, 2017
Swing & Rat Pack Christmas Show at Nantwich Civic Hall

Swing & Rat Pack Christmas Show at Nantwich Civic Hall

The Fabulous Swing & Rat Pack Christmas Show at Nantwich Civic Hall.

Warble Entertainment and Nantwich Town Council are proud to present a Christmas Show fit for the King himself.

December 1, 2016
Queen’s 90th birthday celebration held at Nantwich St Mary’s

Queen’s 90th birthday celebration held at Nantwich St Mary’s

Nantwich staged a celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday with a packed concert at St Mary’s Church.

The event was attended by Lord Lieutenant for Cheshire David Briggs and Mayor of Nantwich Cllr Andrew Martin and his wife Linda.

June 13, 2016