Post Tagged with: "revenue"

5 tips for improving customer conversion ahead of the Christmas period

5 tips for improving customer conversion ahead of the Christmas period

Christmas is one of the most crucial periods in any business’s calendar.

According to a recent study, around 44% of small UK businesses expect to generate over a quarter of their revenue for the year during the festive period alone, so it’s important to ensure your customer conversion tactics are fine-tuned and optimised ahead of time.

December 5, 2024
Cllr Janet Clowes

LETTER: Cheshire East Council – reserves, revenue and risk

Dear Editor
Okay, council finances are dry reading but CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy) offers a useful explanation of Council Reserves because reserves are important.

They 1) cushion the impacts of uneven cash flows and avoid temporary borrowing. 2) provide a contingency for unexpected emergencies and 3) can be ‘earmarked’ to meet anticipated requirements.

January 21, 2024
Nantwich firm Boughey Distribution post 13% rise in revenue

Nantwich firm Boughey Distribution post 13% rise in revenue

Nantwich storage and distribution firm Boughey Distribution have posted financial results which show a 13.3% increase in revenue.

Figures show revenue is up to £70.9 million (2022/23) from £62.6 million for the previous year (2021/22)

August 21, 2023