Post Tagged with: "salary"

Cheshire East appoints new finance boss on £143,000 a year

Cheshire East appoints new finance boss on £143,000 a year

Cheshire East Council has appointed a new finance boss on an annual salary of £142,951.

Ashley Hughes has become the council’s executive director of resources, chief finance and S151 officer.

February 26, 2025
Cash-strapped Cheshire East Council seeks six top bosses

Cash-strapped Cheshire East Council seeks six top bosses

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cash-strapped Cheshire East Council is looking to fill six top jobs and is prepared to pay more than £750,000 in total for the right people.

The advertisements for the top posts come at a time when the council, which is predicting a £20 million overspend at the end of this financial year, is slashing services.

December 6, 2024
Dan Price takes office as Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire

Dan Price takes office as Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire

Dan Price has today taken office and started his four-year term as Cheshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).

Mr Price won a three-horse race to be elected as the new PCC last week, bagging an annual salary of around £78,000.

May 9, 2024
LETTER: Why did new CEC chief executive leave Southend?

LETTER: Why did new CEC chief executive leave Southend?

Dear Editor
Why did the new Cheshire East Chief Executive leave Southend after just eight months?

The former Chief Executive of Southend, who left his post suddenly after only eight months, is to be the new Chief Executive of Cheshire East, on a salary of around £3,500 a WEEK, plus pension costs.

December 3, 2023
CEC Labour’s bid to reduce CEO starting salary thwarted

CEC Labour’s bid to reduce CEO starting salary thwarted

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Labour’s bid to set the starting point for the salary of the council’s new chief executive at £160,000 was thwarted by the Tories and Independents who voted through £170,000.

Cheshire East is on the hunt for a new permanent top boss after Lorraine O’Donnell (pictured) left last week.

October 23, 2023
CEC councillors say £160,000 chief executive salary “too low”

CEC councillors say £160,000 chief executive salary “too low”

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council’s suggested lowest starting salary point for a new chief executive of £160,000 is “simply too low”, councillors said.

And they recommended the new salary band be from £170k to £190k.

September 5, 2023
New CEC chief executive could be paid £190,000 a year

New CEC chief executive could be paid £190,000 a year

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council could pay its new top boss up to £190,000 a year – that’s £30,500 more than the council currently pays for the role.

Current chief executive Dr Lorraine O’Donnell is leaving the authority in October to move to the top job at Bradford Council on a salary of £205,000.

August 25, 2023
Cheshire East Council chief executive set to leave as new boss in Bradford

Cheshire East Council chief executive set to leave as new boss in Bradford

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council’s chief executive is expected to quit to become the new boss of Bradford Council on a salary of £205,000.

Dr Lorraine O’Donnell has been chosen as the preferred candidate to take on the role in West Yorkshire.

July 4, 2023
Striking South Cheshire postal workers hit out at Royal Mail

Striking South Cheshire postal workers hit out at Royal Mail

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Striking postal workers in South Cheshire say Royal Mail’s latest pay offer would significantly change terms and conditions for the worse.

More than 115,000 postal workers are striking across the country and are due to walk out again on Wednesday (August 31) and September 8 and 9 after being given a 2% pay rise.

August 27, 2022
Cheshire Police Crime Commissioner defends 33% pay rise for deputy

Cheshire Police Crime Commissioner defends 33% pay rise for deputy

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire’s police and crime commissioner has defended a 33% pay rise he gave his deputy.

PCC John Dwyer told a councillor he made a mistake when initially calculating the salary for the role.

March 22, 2022
Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner awards deputy 33% rise

Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner awards deputy 33% rise

By Belinda Ryan, local democracry reporter
Cheshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner has given his deputy a 33% rise taking his salary from £38,250 to £51,000 in five months.

John Dwyer (Con) was elected as PCC in May 2021 after defeating former commissioner David Keane (Lab).

January 19, 2022
Cheshire Chief Constable Darren Martland

READER’S LETTER: Cheshire Police Chief Constable salary “unjustified”

Dear Editor,
Cheshire Police are advertising for yet another new Chief Constable.

The salary is £156,693 per year. Which is nearly as much as the Prime Minister is paid for doing TWO jobs, PM and MP.

January 30, 2021