winter fuel - chief executive appointed

Dear Editor,
Labour run Cheshire East increased councillor allowances by a whopping £500 a year …and they have even backdated it.

But they voted NOT to increase allowances before the election in May.

What changed?

Over 4 year term, councillors will be able to claim a total of over £4 MILLION from the Council taxpayers.

The Labour Leader of the Councillor receives £40,500 a year in allowances.

Labour Councillors are always pleading poverty but there is no shortage of money to increase the Councillors’ allowances.

Your faithfully,

Cllr Brian Silvester
Leader #CreweFirst

One Comment

  1. Total insult to the people who voted them in,I will not be making that mistake again, we all need to wake up and see what a total shambles this Labour Council is,and guess what I voted for them.
    People are influenced by local issues, I don’t think a Labour win in the next general election is as much a given as people predict given this lots tell you one thing while we line our own pockets and charge you for it.

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