overspend - Council Tax hike - chief executive appointed

Dear Editor,
Labour-led Cheshire East Council is on track to miss its budget targets for a third consecutive year.

This is not only disappointing but also shows of a deep-rooted incompetence within the current administration.

A recent council meeting underscored a shocking disregard for the financial stability of our local government, and as a concerned resident, I find this unacceptable.

Under Labour, Cheshire East has been steered into a financial black hole.

The cavalier approach to budget planning and the casual dismissal of overspending risks, as discussed in the council meeting, show a troubling lack of leadership and foresight.

These are not mere administrative slip-ups; they are serious failures that compromise the economic stability of our council and erode public trust.

Conservative councillors have rightly challenged the current Labour-led administration’s flawed financial strategies and highlighted their disastrous impact on hard-working taxpayers.

The residents of Cheshire East deserve a council that prioritises fiscal responsibility and transparency, qualities sorely missing from the current Labour-led council.

We need urgent change.

The council must adopt stringent financial controls and a clear, accountable budgeting process as advocated by Conservative councillors.

It is time for the Labour council to stop its reckless financial management and start acting in the best interests of its constituents.

Failure to do so only confirms their inability to govern effectively.

Yours sincerely,

Sean Houlston
Congleton Conservatives

One Comment

  1. Maybe the council member can explain why the government, his own party, underfunded lots of labour councils and now blames others.
    Worse still they are on the council and must be part of the problem!

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