Mayor Cllr Steph Wedgwood at food festival launch

The former Mayor of Nantwich has resigned as a councillor with immediate effect.

Stephanie Wedgwood was Mayor of the town in the year 2023-24.

She had been a town councillor for the West ward since 2019.

But it was announced at Thursday’s town council meeting that Ms Wedgwood had submitted her resignation in writing, with immediate effect.

No reason was given at the meeting for her decision.

She took over as Mayor during a time of major change sparked by the 2023 local elections.

Those elections saw an extra three councillors introduced due to boundary changes, and a number of new councillors elected for the first time.

At the time of being elected as Mayor, the born and bred Dabbers she was “honoured and privileged” to accept the role.

Her three charities which she fundraised during her Mayoral term in office were Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity, Nantwich Foodbank and Cheshire Dogs Home.

Ms Wedgwood works in a senior nursing role at Leighton Hospital.

The vacant councillor seat will be advertised and the town council will be accepting nominations.

A date for a by election will be called at a future date if they receive the required number of nominations.

If an insufficient number of candidates stand for an ordinary election leaving seats vacant, or a by-election is not triggered when a casual vacancy arises, the existing councillors may vote to co-opt a councillor to serve the term.

More details on becoming a town councillor can be found on the town council website here

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