police on A500 foot bridge at Willaston

Police say they are investigating reports of youths damaging cars on the A500 in Willaston by throwing stones off a footbridge above.

One victim reported their car was badly damaged on Sunday night when three youths were spotted throwing stones off the bridge which spans the dual carriageway.

The victim, who posted anonymously, said: “They have put a big crack down my windscreen.

“The worst part was that it was my partner and my two-year-old in the car.”

A Cheshire Police spokesperson said: “Police received an report online regarding youths throwing stones from a bridge above the A500 in Willaston which had damaged a vehicle.

“The individual has been re-contacted to establish further details.”

It’s the first incident of stone-throwing off that bridge.

In July this year, a van driver warned others using the A500 after teenagers were seen throwing a brick from the footbridge.

One driver diverted off the A500 to pursue the youths and caught up with them before calling police.

The bridge connects Wybunbury Road to Newcastle Road spanning over the Shavington Bypass.

And in January 2022 police investigated a similar incident when a vehicle was damaged by a brick thrown from the same bridge.

In that incident, a brick hit a car causing it to crash on the road, injuring one person.

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