A number of Nantwich groups and organisations are to receive donations from Nantwich Town Council during 2023-24.
In total, the council is set to make around £71,300 in donations throughout the financial year, a report to go before councillors outlines.
This includes a number of groups who are supported by the council every year.
In the report, the largest council donation is £17,500 which goes to Nantwich Food Festival, which takes place every September.
A £12,000 donation is also given to Nantwich Show, which takes place on the last Wednesday in July.
£7,000 is donated to Nantwich Museum each year, and another £5,500 goes to the Nantwich in Bloom organisation.
Smaller town council grants of around £1,000-£1,200 go to Nantwich Foodbank, Nantwich Concert Band, Nantwich Choral Society and the Guy Harvey Youth Club.
An extra £2,000 donation looks set to be approved for Nantwich Buddies, a group of volunteers who help tackle isolation and loneliness for those who are ill, disabled or have lost loved ones.
The donations for 2023-24 report will go before councillors at tomorrow’s full council meeting at Nantwich Civic Hall.
It seems a little disproportionate the Nantwich Show receives so much for a 1 day out of town show yet the 3 day Food Festival only gets a little more, if it was pro rata the festival would benefit more and deservedly so.