
RCTA Floating Market, Shropshire Union Canal, Nantwich

The Roving Canal Traders Association are excited to announce they are holding a floating market on the towpath of the Shropshire Union Canal Embankment, Nantwich, Cheshire East CW5 8LB on the 10th and 11th of July 2021. There will be lots of trading boats with interesting crafts on sale showing amazing talent and a range of fantastic unique items available[Read More…]

July 7, 2021

Domestic cleaner wanted

I’m looking for an experienced person who can come to my house in Crewe for 2 hours every fortnight, for general household cleaning. Dusting, polishing, wiping the woodwork. I’m not on Facebook, so please contact me on 07980416697.

July 4, 2021

Livery available – Nantwich

***Livery available from the 1st June*** From the first of June I have 8 stables that will be available for FULL livery, schooling livery, sales livery and Backing livery Yard is based in CW5 Please feel free to ring me on 07538195676 or private message me for all details and price list

May 13, 2021

Pitman Training’s free “Go Get That Job” webinar

Pitman Training are delighted to be joined by recruitment guru, Lee McQueen as he shares with us some of his expert advice on how to stand out from the crowd and land your dream job. Find out how to create a winning CV, learn how to search and apply for the best jobs and how to perform well in an[Read More…]

January 14, 2021

Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre re-opens

We are delighted that from Sunday 6th September we will be reopening our doors to the public. We will be offering a unique blend of in person or online streamed classes. Our meditation classes, day courses and retreats offer people the opportunity to find peace and happiness within during such stressful and challenging times. We will be running evening meditation[Read More…]

September 2, 2020

Mid Cheshire Hospitals public meeting Sept 18

Members of the public are being invited to find out more about their local hospitals, as part of an open meeting being held by Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT). The Trust, which runs Leighton Hospital in Crewe, the Victoria Infirmary in Northwich and Elmhurst Intermediate Care Centre in Winsford, will be holding its Virtual Annual Members’ Meeting at[Read More…]

August 30, 2020

Free Green Doctor service in Nantwich

We’re all spending more time at home at the moment. It means having the heating on when it wouldn’t usually be and using extra gas and electricity for cooking, making cups of tea, televisions and computers. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a big energy bill. Your Green Doctor can help. Green Doctor is a FREE service[Read More…]

August 29, 2020

New Prescription Delivery Service in Nantwich

CEC People Helping People service has partnered with Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service to offer a free, next-day delivery service of prescriptions across the borough, including Nantwich. To qualify for this scheme you must be either exempt from payment or hold a valid pre-payment certificate. Please contact [email protected] for more details.

August 28, 2020

Crewe & Nantwich Talking Newspaper

Crewe and Nantwich Talking Newspaper is expanding its reach to a wider audience – with help from Nantwich News. Listening numbers have increased as a direct result of online listening options, says organiser John Coulter. The service is now contacting all care homes across Cheshire East and providing details of the Talking Newspaper, and how to listen online. Wendy Steadman,[Read More…]

August 27, 2020

New Leaf Supporting Women in Cheshire

The New Leaf team at My CWA has been working remotely during these unprecedented times providing support for not working women across Cheshire East, Cheshire West, and Warrington. Women across the country face several challenges and barriers to employment. Women are often primary carers for young children and the costs of childcare can present problems. Mental health issues and prolonged[Read More…]

August 27, 2020

Dementia Friendly Nantwich group back running with guided walks

Nantwich volunteer group Creating Dementia Friendly Nantwich (CDFN), forced to stop all activity when lockdown was enforced, is running again and offering free guided walks around Nantwich town centre. Prior to lockdown the group was running the ‘Thursday Club’, meeting at the St Mary’s Church, Nantwich every 2 weeks from 10am-12pm to offer various different activities along with friendly social[Read More…]

August 25, 2020

Free painting classes by local artist

Slade-trained, local artist David Jewkes, is offering free painting classes on Facebook Live, every Tuesday and Thursday, at 11am, for one-hour. Let David’s friendly style and in-depth knowledge of the subject, walk you through how to complete an acrylic painting. “If you don’t have acrylic paint, don’t worry,” says David. “Use whatever materials you have at home. Just join in[Read More…]

August 25, 2020

Connected Community Partnership meeting

Neighbourhood Partnerships in Cheshire East aim to bring together a wide range of residents, charities, community groups, businesses and statutory services in order to set local priorities for shared working. Our current priorities include: • Dementia • Social Isolation • Public Realm • Young Peoples Aspirations The next online meeting takes place Tuesday 15th September 2pm. Places are limited. To[Read More…]

August 24, 2020