
Gin night in Nantwich in aid of cancer mum Heidi Spencer

Gin night in Nantwich in aid of cancer mum Heidi Spencer

Friends of a Nantwich mum battling cancer are to stage a fund-raising gin event to help pay for pioneering treatment.

Mum-of-two Heidi Spencer’s plight was featured earlier this year after she was found riddled with more than 25 tumours in her lungs, brain and bones.

September 12, 2018
South Cheshire health chief issues advice amid rise in teenage depression

South Cheshire health chief issues advice amid rise in teenage depression

A South Cheshire health expert has issued advice on how to spot depression in teenagers as thousands return to school and college this week.

Dr Nichola Bishop, of NHS South Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group, spoke out after latest research shows almost one in four young people will experience depression before they are 19.

September 3, 2018
Family’s fundraising Sandstone Trail in memory of Nantwich lecturer

Family’s fundraising Sandstone Trail in memory of Nantwich lecturer

Three generations of the same family tackled the 34-mile Sandstone Trail in memory of a Nantwich lecturer who died from dementia aged just 69.

Simon Goodwin’s family were joined by friends and dogs on the two-day walk in August to raise money for Alzheimer’s Research UK.

September 2, 2018
COPD Awareness Day to be held in Nantwich

COPD Awareness Day to be held in Nantwich

Nantwich and Rural Care Community are hosting an awareness day for people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

COPD is the name for a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties because the lungs have become inflamed, damaged and narrowed – normally through smoking and sometimes through air pollution.

August 24, 2018
Survey shows Kiltearn GP surgery in Nantwich worst rated among patients

Survey shows Kiltearn GP surgery in Nantwich worst rated among patients

By Stephen Topping
South Cheshire’s best and worst GP surgeries, as rated by patients, have been revealed – and Kiltearn Medical Centre in Nantwich comes bottom of the class.

Patients in England were sent questionnaires to take part in the GP Patient Survey between January and March.

August 23, 2018
Motherwell Cheshire launches new infant loss support service

Motherwell Cheshire launches new infant loss support service

A South Cheshire charity which supports mums with mental health problems, has launched a new service to help those coping with the loss of a child.

The idea came from Motherwell Cheshire founder Kate Blakemore, after she suffered the trauma of a miscarriage earlier this year.

August 22, 2018
South Cheshire brothers walk 400 miles for Leighton Hospital dementia appeal

South Cheshire brothers walk 400 miles for Leighton Hospital dementia appeal

South Cheshire brothers Stuart and Alan Mackay walked from Edinburgh to Leighton Hospital to raise money for Mid Cheshire Hospitals ‘Everybody Knows Somebody’ dementia appeal.

Stuart and Alan, both from Crewe, have been long distance walking for four years.

August 11, 2018
18-week wait for treatment at Leighton Hospital quadruples

18-week wait for treatment at Leighton Hospital quadruples

By Stephen Topping
The number of patients waiting more than 18 weeks for treatment at Leighton Hospital or Victoria Infirmary has almost quadrupled in 12 months.

Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which owns and runs both sites, has revealed that 1,011 patients were waiting longer than 18 weeks for treatment following referrals to its hospitals in June 2018 – compared to just 271 in June 201

August 8, 2018
Hundreds of Leighton Hospital A&E patients still not seen within four hours

Hundreds of Leighton Hospital A&E patients still not seen within four hours

By Stephen Topping
Hundreds of Leighton Hospital patients are still failing to be seen within four hours at A&E as it deals with more people than last summer.

Figures shown at a Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust board meeting revealed patients waited to be seen at A&E on 1,473 occasions in June – compared to 437 times in the same month last year.

August 7, 2018
Thousands of GP patients in South Cheshire still without full out of hours access

Thousands of GP patients in South Cheshire still without full out of hours access

Thousands of registered GP patients in South Cheshire still do not have access to out of hours appointments, latest figures revealed today.

Only 13% of the 185,538 patients registered in the South Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group area have full out of hours provision, according to data compiled by the BBC and shared with Nantwich News.

July 30, 2018
Fundraisers provide Leighton Hospital district nurses with new equipment

Fundraisers provide Leighton Hospital district nurses with new equipment

Big-hearted Leighton Hospital fundraisers have helped buy vital new equipment for a group of district nurses.

MCH Charity has bought 14 advanced quality stethoscopes and 18 specialised kit bags for the Eagle Bridge Community Nursing Team, part of Central Cheshire Integrated Care Partnership (CCICP).

July 24, 2018
Bid to improve care for SEND youngsters in Cheshire East after damning inspection

Bid to improve care for SEND youngsters in Cheshire East after damning inspection

By Stephen Topping
Urgent measures to improve support for youngsters in Cheshire East with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) have been drawn up following a damning inspection.

Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) found “serious weaknesses” when they assessed Cheshire East Council and NHS bodies in the borough on their provision for SEND support in March.

July 17, 2018
Crewe & Nantwich MP Laura Smith backs breast cancer fair at Parliament

Crewe & Nantwich MP Laura Smith backs breast cancer fair at Parliament

Crewe & Nantwich MP Laura Smith joined the search for new life-saving breast cancer treatments at a research fair in Parliament.

The fair, hosted by UK charity Breast Cancer Now, was an opportunity to meet scientists behind cutting-edge research.

July 12, 2018