
Connor Naismith

Crewe and Nantwich wages 3.5% lower since Tories in power

Wages in Crewe and Nantwich have fallen by 3.5% since Conservatives came to power in 2010, claim the local Labour group.

They say analysis of ONS figures shows the wages in the constituency have fallen by an average of £1,089, resulting in a 3.5% cut.

January 16, 2023
South Cheshire nurse pens powerful poem on NHS crisis

South Cheshire nurse pens powerful poem on NHS crisis

A South Cheshire nurse has penned this powerful poem as thousands are set for more strike action to highlight the growing crisis in the NHS.

Jenny Howarth has worked as a nurse in the region for several years.

January 15, 2023
£750,000 to be spent on “public realm” in Nantwich

£750,000 to be spent on “public realm” in Nantwich

Nantwich is being given a £750,000 pot of money to spend on improving the “public realm” in the town, councillors were told.

The money comes from the Section 106 agreements between developers and the council for the Kingsley Fields housing developments.

January 13, 2023
Council chiefs to discuss Swine Market traffic after building collision

Council chiefs to discuss Swine Market traffic after building collision

Council chiefs are to meet the owners of a building in Nantwich town centre after it was hit by a lorry.

The Hope House Hospice building on High Street has suffered a number of collisions over the years as vehicles struggle to negotiate the tight bend on Swine Market.

January 13, 2023
Cheshire East funding bid for two new special needs schools

Cheshire East funding bid for two new special needs schools

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council has applied for funding to set up two new free schools for children with special educational needs.

If the bid is successful, it could create an extra 120 places for pupils in the borough with special educational needs (SEN)

January 11, 2023
Cheshire East residents need photo ID to vote in May elections

Cheshire East residents need photo ID to vote in May elections

Residents in Cheshire East will need to show photographic ID to vote at this year’s local elections in May.

The requirement to show photo ID at a polling station is a new requirement, introduced under the Elections Act, which was passed last year and comes into effect for the first time this May.

January 9, 2023
Tributes paid to CEC councillor who died after holiday heart attack

Tributes paid to CEC councillor who died after holiday heart attack

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
The funeral of Cheshire East councillor Steve Carter who died after a heart attack on holiday, will take place later this month.

Cllr Carter died on December 29 at Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport. He was 59.

January 6, 2023
Cheshire Police vetting “tighter” after officer jailed for teen rape

Cheshire Police vetting “tighter” after officer jailed for teen rape

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Vetting procedures for police recruits in Cheshire have been tightened since a serving officer was jailed for raping a 13-year-old girl, the force’s commissioner has said.

PC Ian Naude, who was then 30, was jailed for 25 years in 2018 for raping the teenager and for four convictions relating to sexual offences against other children.

January 4, 2023
Residents asked to pay 6.4% more for policing in Cheshire

Residents asked to pay 6.4% more for policing in Cheshire

By Mark Smith, local democracy reporter
Residents in South Cheshire are being asked whether they would be prepared to pay 6.4% more tax towards the cost of policing.

The county’s Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer says inflation has added more than £14 million to Cheshire Police’s costs, with £6.7 million worth of savings already in the pipeline.

January 3, 2023
Police unable to charge Nantwich night time “lurker” after arrest

Police unable to charge Nantwich night time “lurker” after arrest

A Nantwich resident who caught the night-time “lurker” breaking in to vehicles, told today how police failed to charge him because “he’d got a good solicitor”.

The householder said she saw him trying car doors in the Blears Avenue area of Nantwich and entering, before rooting around looking for something to take.

January 2, 2023
Temporary bus station in Crewe to operate from January 4

Temporary bus station in Crewe to operate from January 4

A temporary bus station will be in use in Crewe from Wednesday January 4 as work to complete the first phase of the Cheshire East Council’s Royal Arcade scheme enters the next stage.

The existing bus station will be closed and eight temporary bus stands will operate alongside temporary passenger shelters, cycle stands and facilities for bus drivers.

December 30, 2022
Cheshire Fire bids to raise Council Tax precept to plug £1m hole

Cheshire Fire bids to raise Council Tax precept to plug £1m hole

Cheshire Fire Authority has launched a consultation on its precept which it wants to raise by £5 per year for a typical band D household.

The authority says the amount would raise an additional £1.3 million in funding but comes as local councils and police forces are also raising precepts in a cost of living crisis.

December 28, 2022
Cheshire East chiefs rejected calls for free Christmas parking

Cheshire East chiefs rejected calls for free Christmas parking

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council bosses refused to scrap parking charges until the end of the year to help high street shops because it can’t afford to lose an estimated £180,000.

Each town which has pay and display has four days free parking per year and the dates for this are decided by the relevant town or parish council.

December 22, 2022