Post Tagged with: "planning"

Nantwich pub facing planning probe over “second bar” complaints

Nantwich pub facing planning probe over “second bar” complaints

A popular Nantwich pub is facing a planning enforcement investigation after it emerged its new “second bar” does not have planning permission.

Residents living on the boundary of The Leopard pub, owned by Joules Brewery, have complained about noise and privacy invasion from “The Hunter’s Hideout” which opened in April.

September 25, 2023
CEC decision due on Crewe estate without planning permission

CEC decision due on Crewe estate without planning permission

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council is expected to make a decision next month on a 263-home estate in Crewe which is being lived in but doesn’t have planning permission.

The recently built Coppenhall Place, on the site of the former Crewe Works off West Street, was granted planning permission in 2018.

August 30, 2023
Pet Crematorium plan for Nantwich back before CEC planners

Pet Crematorium plan for Nantwich back before CEC planners

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
An application for a pet and horse crematorium near Nantwich has again been recommended for approval following a deferral for more information.

Georgina Carter wants to use a rural outbuilding at Doddington Mill House, off Mill Lane in Doddington, for the cremations.

August 23, 2023
Councillors defer controversial concrete plant bid near Nantwich

Councillors defer controversial concrete plant bid near Nantwich

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Councillors have deferred a controversial application for a concrete processing plant near Nantwich – with some questioning why the applicant would build an expensive new facility without planning permission.

The Graham Heath Group has had permission for several years to operate its existing concrete panel business at Aston near Nantwich.

August 5, 2023
Planners back concrete plant near Nantwich despite dozens of objections

Planners back concrete plant near Nantwich despite dozens of objections

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
A retrospective application for a replacement concrete batching plant in countryside near Nantwich has been recommended for approval despite objections from two parish councils and 51 residents.

The Graham Heath Group has applied for permission for change of use from mixed storage and retail on land at Station Yard, Wrenbury Road, Aston, to general industrial use along with the provision of a replacement concrete plant.

August 1, 2023
LETTER: A Cheshire East Paradox in Planning AND Partnership

LETTER: A Cheshire East Paradox in Planning AND Partnership

Dear Editor,
At last week’s full Council meeting we witnessed an irate Independent Leader attempt to hold his Labour partners to account, as they kicked-back over scrapping the Strategic Planning Board to save money.

He spectacularly failed!

July 24, 2023
Cheshire East to scrap planning committee for efficiency

Cheshire East to scrap planning committee for efficiency

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council looks set to scrap one of its three planning committees to save money and make the system more efficient.

At present the authority has two “area committees” – northern and southern planning – which both have the same functions and responsibilities, but deal with planning matters on a geographical basis.

June 19, 2023
Planning backlog “slowly reducing” says Cheshire East Council

Planning backlog “slowly reducing” says Cheshire East Council

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council is “slowly reducing” the backlog of planning applications despite still struggling to retain and recruit skilled staff.

A report to the council’s environment and communities committee says the number of live applications in the backlog has reduced over the 12 month period from 2,654 to 1,959, at the end of March 2023.

June 3, 2023
House of Commons Leader blasts Cheshire East over housing estate

House of Commons Leader blasts Cheshire East over housing estate

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council and developer Countryside need to “step up and deliver on their moral obligations” to people living on a Crewe housing estate with no planning permission, the House of Commons leader has said.

Penny Mordaunt MP also wondered “how in God’s name it could have happened” as she was responding to a question from Crewe and Nantwich MP Kieran Mullan (Con) about the plight of residents living at Coppenhall Place.

May 30, 2023
Former Barclays Bank in Nantwich set to open as new bar and restaurant

Former Barclays Bank in Nantwich set to open as new bar and restaurant

The former Barclays Bank building in Nantwich town centre looks set to re-open as a new bar and restaurant.

Loungers UK (Ltd) has applied to Cheshire East Council to convert the interior of the building on Churchyardside.

April 13, 2023
Developer addresses concerns over 188-home Nantwich scheme

Developer addresses concerns over 188-home Nantwich scheme

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
A developer has relocated a play area and replaced a proposed community orchard with allotments to address concerns raised about a controversial 188-home scheme planned for Nantwich.

Cheshire East’s planning officers had recommended councillors on the strategic planning board approve the reserved matters application from David Wilson Homes and Muller for phase one development on land at Peter Destapleigh Way at Stapeley at its meeting in January.

March 25, 2023
South Cheshire residents in “unsaleble homes” due to contaminated land, council told

South Cheshire residents in “unsaleble homes” due to contaminated land, council told

By Belinda Ryan, local democracry reporter
Residents on a South Cheshire housing estate are living in unsaleable homes with no planning permission on potentially contaminated land because a developer “appears to have put profit first”, councillors claimed.

Countryside Partnerships was given permission to build the 263-home Coppenhall Place development on the former Bombardier site in 2018 – but because it failed to deal with a condition relating to contaminated land the estate has no planning permission.

March 25, 2023
Plans submitted to demolish former Nantwich restaurant on Welsh Row

Plans submitted to demolish former Nantwich restaurant on Welsh Row

The owners of a former restaurant in Nantwich have applied to Cheshire East Council to knock the building down.

Applicants the Schofield Brothers want to demolish what was the “Icon Thai” restaurant on Welsh Row, on the corner of Wych House Bank.

January 11, 2023