Features & Lifestyle

READER’S LETTER: Councillors should lobby for better broadband in Crewe

READER’S LETTER: Councillors should lobby for better broadband in Crewe

Dear Editor,
I am calling on the local Labour run Town and Borough Councils and the Tory MP to lobby the Government hard to improve broadband speeds in parts of Crewe.

Crewe is already the most economically and socially deprived town in the whole of Cheshire East.

December 3, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Thanks to teenagers for helping attacked dog

READER’S LETTER: Thanks to teenagers for helping attacked dog

Dear Editor
I want to thank the group of teenagers who helped when my dog was attacked on 29th November.

It was about 5.40pm at the crossroads of Manor Road and Beam Street in Nantwich.

November 30, 2021
FEATURE: How AR will affect the future of work

FEATURE: How AR will affect the future of work

There is a fundamental gap between the vast amount of digital data we have access to and the real world in which we use it.

While our reality is three-dimensional, the wealth of information we currently have to guide our decisions and actions is stuck on two-dimensional pages and displays.

November 23, 2021
FEATURE: Why small businesses need commercial van insurance

FEATURE: Why small businesses need commercial van insurance

Commercial van insurance isn’t just for large corporations.

Small businesses are more at risk if the company can’t afford to absorb the cost of vehicle theft, damage, or an at-fault accident.

November 23, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Disappointed over MP’s sewage vote “bluster”

READER’S LETTER: Disappointed over MP’s sewage vote “bluster”

Dear Editor,
I was disappointed by the irrelevant bluster that Dr Mullan threw at us as justification for his voting to allow water companies to dump raw sewage onto our rivers and on to our beaches.

Under current laws many water companies have been fined for just this practice.

November 23, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Fight for your Parish Council to survive

READER’S LETTER: Fight for your Parish Council to survive

Dear Editor,
The Tory MP for Crewe and Nantwich has drawn attention on Facebook to the proposed abolition of the Leighton Parish and he has rightly requested residents to take part in the consultation.

He stated that the proposal is to merge Leighton with Crewe Town Council.

November 20, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Dorfold Hall Entertainment Licence

READER’S LETTER: Dorfold Hall Entertainment Licence

Dear Editor,
Cheshire East Council followed the correct procedures in consulting with Acton Parish Council – Dorfold Hall lies within the Parish – on their application to extend the existing entertainment licence and with amendment approving it.

November 20, 2021
FEATURE: Unravelling mysteries of money: How to master important financial concepts

FEATURE: Unravelling mysteries of money: How to master important financial concepts

The world of finance can seem like a complex mystery to many.

Indeed, if you’re not familiar with certain ideas and processes, things like financial planning, saving, then investing can be filled with potential pitfalls.

November 20, 2021
FEATURE: Five tips for running a safe classroom science practical

FEATURE: Five tips for running a safe classroom science practical

Science is one of the few subjects in school that provides students with elements of practical learning.

Whether that is through handling experiments, developing an understanding of safety principles or gathering data and results, the importance of this subject should not be lost on pupils.

November 19, 2021
READER’S LETTER: The CEC parking charges conundrum!

READER’S LETTER: The CEC parking charges conundrum!

Dear Editor,
At its September meeting the Highways & Transport Committee rejected proposals for standardised parking zones across Cheshire East.

Whilst these might have introduced consistency across the borough, there were two main drivers

November 17, 2021
FEATURE: How to assess candidates’ skills during recruitment

FEATURE: How to assess candidates’ skills during recruitment

Hiring a new employee can be a stressful process, which is why it’s so important to have an efficient employee onboarding plan to make sure you’re hiring the right people.

Between picking through piles of CVs and deciding who to invite for a final interview, there’s so much to do and a lot of important decisions to make.

November 17, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Shocked to see Nantwich trees chopped down

READER’S LETTER: Shocked to see Nantwich trees chopped down

Dear Editor,
I had hoped that the few remaining mature trees, on the River Weaver riverbank and adjacent to the redevelopment of the former gasworks off Welsh Row in Nantwich, would be spared the cull.

November 16, 2021
READER’S LETTER: MP should justify Environment Bill sewage vote

READER’S LETTER: MP should justify Environment Bill sewage vote

Dear Editor,
None of us likes the thought of sewage in our rivers and on our beaches. It’s disgusting to look at, smelly and unhygienic.

It appears, however, that our MP, Keiran Mullan, disagrees with that, and presumably thinks that raw sewage in our rivers and coastal waters isn’t that bad.

November 16, 2021