Post Tagged with: "Nantwich Town Council"

Nantwich Civic Hall now under town council control

Nantwich Civic Hall now under town council control

One of Nantwich’s major assets is now under the ownership of the town council. Nantwich Civic Hall will be managed and maintained by Nantwich Town Council after talks with Cheshire East Council concluded today.

May 1, 2012
Welsh Row venues to stage Diamond Jubilee street party for charity

Welsh Row venues to stage Diamond Jubilee street party for charity

Two popular Nantwich venues are to stage a “Madhatters” street party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Bosses of Firenze restaurant and The Cheshire Cat have been given the go ahead to close a section of Welsh Row to traffic to stage the event.

April 27, 2012
Nantwich events to celebrate Diamond Jubilee unveiled

Nantwich events to celebrate Diamond Jubilee unveiled

Nantwich communities hoping to stage Diamond Jubilee street parties have until April 9 to apply for road closures. Dozens of public and private celebrations are already planned across the Nantwich area on June 2-5 weekend to celebrate the Queen’s 60-year reign.

April 2, 2012
Nantwich train station unveils latest Cheshire award nameplate

Nantwich train station unveils latest Cheshire award nameplate

Award-winning Nantwich railway station has unveiled its latest prize to passengers. Dignitaries gathered for the Cheshire Best Kept Stations Competition’ nameplate ceremony on the Crewe-bound platform.

March 19, 2012
270 new homes firm in Nantwich Town Council mix-up

270 new homes firm in Nantwich Town Council mix-up

Nantwich residents were left disgruntled when a property firm proposing to build 270 homes failed to turn up to give a presentation. Around a dozen residents attended Nantwich Town Council expecting to hear from Gladman Developments on proposals for land off Marsh Lane.

March 6, 2012
Nantwich residents face Cheshire Police 4% council tax rise

Nantwich residents face Cheshire Police 4% council tax rise

Nantwich residents face another council tax rise after Cheshire Police announced it is to increase its portion by almost 4 per cent. It will add £5.69 a year to the bill of a typical Band D home, and comes on top of a large rise from Nantwich Town Council.

February 22, 2012
Nantwich Jazz, Blues and Music Festival receives funding boost

Nantwich Jazz, Blues and Music Festival receives funding boost

The Nantwich Jazz, Blues and Music Festival is expanding with a family carnival theme on Easter Monday after securing more backers. Now its 16th year, the festival attracts thousands of music-lovers to the town from across the UK.

February 17, 2012
Muller and Jones face angry residents over Nantwich South housing plan

Muller and Jones face angry residents over Nantwich South housing plan

Developers came under fire from residents at a Nantwich Town Council meeting when they outlined their plans for a major housing scheme. Bosses from Muller and Jones faced a packed meeting with many residents voicing their anger and objection to the “Nantwich South” plan for hundreds of homes on Stapeley farmland.

February 7, 2012
Green campaigners criticise Stapeley and Nantwich housing plans

Green campaigners criticise Stapeley and Nantwich housing plans

Green campaign groups have hit out at housing development plans for Nantwich which they label “grossly excessive”. And they are now seeking “high level” meetings with Cheshire East Council in a bid to fight the proposals.

February 6, 2012
Cheshire East councillor defends tax bills facing Nantwich residents

Cheshire East councillor defends tax bills facing Nantwich residents

Exclusive A councillor has defended Cheshire East’s decision not to reduce its tax demand on Nantwich residents – despite a 300% rise in the town council precept. Cheshire East Council is handing over facilities such as Nantwich Civic Centre, indoor market, public toilets, and allotments to Nantwich Town Council.

January 30, 2012
Residents unhappy over 270-homes plan for Queens Drive, Nantwich

Residents unhappy over 270-homes plan for Queens Drive, Nantwich

Angry residents in Nantwich hit out at plans to build 270 more homes on a greenfield site. Hundreds of homes have had leaflets delivered from Gladman Developments Ltd, who hope to build the houses on land off Queens Drive.

January 17, 2012
Nantwich councillors agree £67 rise in town council tax

Nantwich councillors agree £67 rise in town council tax

Nantwich Town councillors voted overwhelmingly for a rise in council tax, which will see households pay an extra £67 a year. The council needs to bump up the precept by £360,000 in 2012-13 to help fund the takeover of key facilities like the Civic Hall, indoor market, toilets, allotments, and Brookfield Hall.

January 17, 2012
Robo-recycler proves a hit with Nantwich families

Robo-recycler proves a hit with Nantwich families

Nantwich Town Council’s gazebo was inundated with Christmas cards during a weekend recycling event on the town square. Robo-recycler was chomping cards as fast as he could as scores of youngsters like two-year-old Bebe Egerton (pictured) fed him old festive cards.

January 9, 2012