More than 200 residents crammed into a village hall to air concerns on plans to build 1,800 new homes near Nantwich.
Muller Property and Gladman Properties are targeting land off Middlewich Road and Church Lane, in Wistaston.
Wistaston villagers packed Wistaston Memorial Hall last night (April 11) to voice fears over both sets of plans which involve building on green fields.
Muller’s ambitious proposals involve building a large 1,500 home “village” which would include a primary school and district centre.
The company plan states it will provide 30% properties as affordable housing, and contribute to improving the A530 Middlewich Road between Nantwich and Crewe.
Muller is also pursuing plans for a “Nantwich South” 1,100-home development on green land in Stapeley, although the first phase was kicked out by councillors last week.
Gladman has delivered over 700 leaflets in Wistaston to highlight its plans for 330 homes on land close to Joey the Swan park and bordered by Wistaston Brook.
Again, the company is pledging 30% of these properties would be designated as “affordable”.
One resident Sue Wood said: “I’ve walked my dogs on those fields three times a day for 23 years, this plan is very worrying.”
Fellow objector Jonathan White has vowed to attend a Muller Property Group public exhibition which takes place today in relation to the 1,500 proposed homes.
Muller is holding the public exhibition between 12pm and 7pm at The Woodside pub.
Gladman is to stage a public exhibition of its proposals on Friday April 19 at Wistaston Memorial Hall, between 4pm and 7pm.
Neither company has submitted outline planning applications to Cheshire East Council.
Errm, just to point out, it’s not Greenbelt.
As a first-time buyer I’m all for additional housing.
In response to ‘Mark Hughes’. Pull the other one. I seriously doubt that’s your real name. There are people logging on to these forums with names which are quite laughable e.g Nigel Imby (initials NImby). ‘Mark Hughes’ correctly points out that the land isn’t Green Belt, so he obviously knows a bit about planning matters. As for being a first-time-buyer, I doubt it very much. Maybe you work for Muller?
OK, ‘Dabber’ isn’t my real name but at least I’m not trying to pretend my name’s kosher like Nigel Imby! I don’t think you’ll find anyone of that name in Nantwich or Crewe on the electoral register!!
Ok, Green Gap land, I mis-spoke. However there’s still no justification for building in the gap specifically implemented to preserve the distinct natures of the communities that lie either side of it.
As a “first time buyer” you will already be well aware of the volume of housing available to buy in this area, across a wide spread of types and prices, including affordable housing. If you’re all for additional housing, I suggest you encourage the building of homes on brownfield sites in Cheshire, in line with planning policy.
Well done for avoiding comment on the lack of school provision and the volume of housing actually needed across Cheshire East.
I am vigorously opposed to these proposals.
Why do we need more traffic on the roads in this area of Crewe/Nantwich? There is already enough.
Where would the children in these families go to school – not just primary but secondary?
These plans are motivated by profit – they do not care about the quality of life of current residents. Hands off our green belt.
Yet again, Muller are promising things they have no intention of providing. A careful look at their press information reveals that there will only be “a site for a primary school”, no commitment from them to actually build one. They said the same for Nantwich South and then admitted at a public meeting that they would not be building a school. So, just like their plans for Nantwich South, there would be nowhere for primary age children to go to school. Most local schools are already bursting at the seams, so families would need to travel further afield.
Also, Crewe West sits in Green Belt land – so there is no justification for building there. No one can show me any robust data that suggests this part of Cheshire needs anywhere near the amount of housing these developers want to build, if anything the housing need is in the low hundreds, not over 5000!
lack of housing in Wistaston? NO WE DO NOT. clearly these people don’t live nearby. As otherwise they would know that the roads are full every morning, Valley road and Wistaston Green road are solid and stand still very morning. So adding this extra is only going to make this worse.
Also “Affordable housing of 30% will be available”. We all know this would not happen,
Why do Gladman and Muller feel that they have the right to ruin our Countryside? All because the Government say ” to boost significantly the supply of housing and to make planning decisions in the light of a presumption in favour
of sustainable development.” The amount of people, children and pets that walk those fields on a daily basis.
Why don’t you go and build on our own back garden? Leave our green fields ALONE. Why do you feel that the world has to be covered in concrete?
Why don’t you go and buy the houses that are left empty and put your money into them, making them “affordable housing” and bring life back into area’s that at present look a mess and standing empty?
Leave the countryside alone. Leave us alone?
Dont want any !