Letters & Opinion

READER’S LETTER: Mystery of the missing ‘Welcome to Crewe’ sign solved

READER’S LETTER: Mystery of the missing ‘Welcome to Crewe’ sign solved

Dear Editor,
Action by ‘Putting Crewe First’ has ensured that a missing ‘Welcome to Crewe’ sign will be replaced in a few weeks.

The ‘Welcome to Crewe’ road sign on Nantwich Road went missing in February.

November 4, 2022
READER’S LETTER: CEC leader’s rhetoric must match the records

READER’S LETTER: CEC leader’s rhetoric must match the records

Dear Editor
I read Cllr Sam Corcoran’s recent letter to the borough’s wider press, with some incredulity, particularly with regard to planning matters.

He expounds that the “flood of speculative housing applications in Cheshire East when the Conservatives were in charge has now dried up”, releasing his letter in conjunction with the CE media release this week, confirming that the Inspector has approved Part 2 of the Local Plan (SADPD as it’s also referred to).

October 27, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Crewe is fly-tipping capital of Cheshire East

READER’S LETTER: Crewe is fly-tipping capital of Cheshire East

Dear Editor,
There were 4,321 incidents of fly-tipping in Cheshire East in the year ending April 2021. That is compared to 1,377 in 2013.

An increase of over 300% There were 541 enforcement actions taken in the year ending April 2021, compared to 764 in 2013, a REDUCTION in enforcements of almost 30%.

October 23, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Why is Cheshire paying higher electricity prices?

READER’S LETTER: Why is Cheshire paying higher electricity prices?

Dear Editor,
On the BBC text site overnight, it was reported that Electricity cost 4p per unit more in North Wales, Cheshire and parts of Merseyside (the old MANWEB area).

In our area we pay 36p per unit, with 34p being an average and 32p in the lowest parts of the Country.

October 14, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Cheshire Police hate crime policy is “madness”

READER’S LETTER: Cheshire Police hate crime policy is “madness”

Dear Editor,
Cheshire Police are encouraging people to report ‘Hate Crime’.

“A hate incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someone’s prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.”

October 12, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Cheshire Chief Constable “living in fantasy world”

READER’S LETTER: Cheshire Chief Constable “living in fantasy world”

Dear Editor,
In Cheshire East overall, 80% of robbery, 94% of burglary and 98% of bike and personal theft went unsolved over the last three years.

These are the worst performance figures in Cheshire EVER.

October 5, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Spare thought for children on World Mental Health Day

READER’S LETTER: Spare thought for children on World Mental Health Day

Dear Editor
This World Mental Health day, spare a thought for families struggling to care for a seriously sick child.

We often hear comments such as ‘I feel totally isolated’, ‘life has been turned upside down’ and ‘I have no idea how to control things’ from the families we support.

October 5, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Children at potential risk of criminal exploitation in Cheshire East

READER’S LETTER: Children at potential risk of criminal exploitation in Cheshire East

Dear Editor,
I was saddened and disappointed that Ofsted has found that some of most vulnerable of our children and young people in the Borough have not been best-served by the organisations across Cheshire East that have a duty to protect them.

September 30, 2022
READER’S LETTER: A seven point plan for Crewe Town Centre

READER’S LETTER: A seven point plan for Crewe Town Centre

Dear Editor
This is what needs to be done urgently to save Crewe Town Centre from oblivion.

Here is the seven point plan, proposed by ‘Putting Crewe First’.

September 25, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Taxpayers don’t want “fake” Crewe Heritage Wall

READER’S LETTER: Taxpayers don’t want “fake” Crewe Heritage Wall

Dear Editor,
Crewe’s ‘Heritage Wall’ cost ÂŁ5,625 to design and will cost up to ÂŁ50,000 to erect.

The Historic Crewe Works Wall in West Street (pictured) was an actual Heritage Wall but it was demolished by developers in 2019 and Cheshire East did nothing to stop it being demolished.

September 15, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Memories of the Queen in Crewe

READER’S LETTER: Memories of the Queen in Crewe

Dear Editor,
On June 24 1987, Queen Elizabeth II officially opened the Crewe Rail Heritage Centre.

The Crewe Rail Heritage Festival took place to mark 150th years since the arrival of the first passenger train to stop at Crewe station on the Grand Junction Railway.

September 11, 2022
READER’S LETTER: A message for new PM Liz Truss

READER’S LETTER: A message for new PM Liz Truss

Dear Editor,
My message to new PM, Liz Truss. These are the priorities the PM needs to act on urgently.
1) Freeze energy bills so people can afford to stay warm this winter

September 7, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Crewe most dangerous town in Cheshire

READER’S LETTER: Crewe most dangerous town in Cheshire

Dear Editor,
According to the Crewe 2022 Crime Scorecard:
Crewe is the most dangerous major town in Cheshire. Crime in Crewe is 48% higher than the regional crime rate in the North West. And crime in Crewe is 22% higher than the national crime rate.

August 31, 2022