Features & Lifestyle

Life insured: Essential guide to safeguarding your loved ones’ futures

Life insured: Essential guide to safeguarding your loved ones’ futures

Amid life’s unpredictable nature, our unwavering priority is safeguarding and supporting our loved ones.

Enter life insurance, a vital financial asset that acts as a safety net, guaranteeing your family’s financial well-being even when you’re no longer there.

June 6, 2024
Tips for helping your teenager buy their first car

Tips for helping your teenager buy their first car

For most teenagers in the UK, turning 17 and passing their driving test means the exciting prospect of buying their first car.

As a parent, helping guide them through this process can be daunting.

June 5, 2024
LETTER: Rishi Sunak “has a Titanic struggle on his hands”

LETTER: Rishi Sunak “has a Titanic struggle on his hands”

Dear Editor,
Oh dear, oh dear.

The Prime Minister stood in the rain outside 10 Downing Street to announce the election and ruined his suit, which no doubt cost thousands, by getting it soaked with rain – apparently his much vaunted “plan” didn’t include having someone to hold an umbrella over his head.

June 3, 2024
Online shopping: Convenience and security in one click

Online shopping: Convenience and security in one click

In the modern digital age, online shopping has become integral to our lives.

It looks like an exciting journey through the vast landscape of virtual storefronts and endless product offerings.

June 3, 2024
Nvidia stock rallies after 600% profit explosion

Nvidia stock rallies after 600% profit explosion

Nvidia have once again shattered all expectations in their awaited earnings report.

They have reported $6.12 earnings per share as well as $26 billion in sales.

June 3, 2024
Are there effective treatments for pelvic floor dysfunction in women?

Are there effective treatments for pelvic floor dysfunction in women?

Be it men or women, their pelvic floor muscles have a vital role to play.

Speaking specifically about women, these muscles are responsible for supporting the bladder, rectum, vagina, and uterus.

June 1, 2024
When and how to seek professional financial help

When and how to seek professional financial help

Navigating the complicated landscape of personal finance can be daunting.

From managing debt to investing for the future, the myriad of decisions to be made can overwhelm even the most financially savvy individuals.

May 31, 2024
Why might Bank of England delay rate cut until August?

Why might Bank of England delay rate cut until August?

Recently, UK services inflation was significantly higher than expected due to a variety of annual price increases.

Although this spike shouldn’t be overemphasized in terms of its long-term impact, it does lower the probability of a rate cut by the Bank of England in June.

May 30, 2024
FEATURE: How to create unique transitions in your short videos

FEATURE: How to create unique transitions in your short videos

In the tiktok video editor, users can add slides, video clips, images and more to their transitions.

However, such videos often look too simple, lacking emotion and creativity.

May 29, 2024
International car rentals: Tips and insights for your UAE adventure

International car rentals: Tips and insights for your UAE adventure

Travelling to the UAE involves a fusion of luxury, culture, and adventure.

Renting a car to travel around the country, despite all the details, allows you to explore a whole new world of attractions and entertainment, which is best spent in the privacy of your car.

May 28, 2024
FEATURE: Ways to better manage your money in 2024

FEATURE: Ways to better manage your money in 2024

Money management is an important skill that we must always strive to keep honing, but the good news is managing our finances doesn’t need to be a daunting task.

Mostly, what we need to do is understand where our money comes from and track where it goes so we can create a plan we can stick to.

May 28, 2024
Traffic accidents and brake systems: Statistical analysis and preventive measures

Traffic accidents and brake systems: Statistical analysis and preventive measures

While not the leading cause of road accidents in the UK – that dubious honour goes to people speeding and not wearing seat belts – brake failure is a factor in some accidents.

According to statistics from the Department for Transport, there were 3,894 crashes between 2013 and 2019 wherein brake defects were a contributing factor.

May 24, 2024
LETTER: Thank you for supporting Dementia Action Week

LETTER: Thank you for supporting Dementia Action Week

Dear Editor,
Following Dementia Action Week (13-19 May 2024), I want to thank the many people across the North West who took part, either by talking publicly about their own experience of a dementia diagnosis, engaging with events, social media or wearing a Forget Me Not appeal badge for someone they love.

May 24, 2024