Features & Lifestyle

A parent’s guide to concussions in children

A parent’s guide to concussions in children

As parents, it’s impossible to be able to keep your children under your supervision at all times, especially when they reach the age of attending school and socialising with their friends outside of the home.

February 3, 2024
Things to do on your evening commute

Things to do on your evening commute

The way we work has changed in recent years. Where once it was common to spend the whole week in the office, now we’re dividing our time between the workplace and home.

If you’re working to a hybrid model, it’s likely that you’re spending some of your week doing the commute after a busy day.

February 3, 2024
Property prices in Torrevieja: what to expect and what factors affect prices

Property prices in Torrevieja: what to expect and what factors affect prices

Torrevieja is a resort town in the province of Alicante, located on the Costa Blanca.

For a long time, property for sale in Torrevieja has been the focus of many who want to spend their holidays in the Mediterranean or move permanently to Spain.

January 31, 2024
LETTER: Why I support RNID’s ear wax campaign

LETTER: Why I support RNID’s ear wax campaign

Dear Editor,
I am writing to support RNID’s ear wax campaign and share my personal experience of struggling to get ear wax removal.

I haven’t been denied a wax removal but know that I can’t get one if I need one without paying a fortune privately.

January 31, 2024
Blending design and technology: Next-Gen tools for creatives

Blending design and technology: Next-Gen tools for creatives

The intersection of design and technology is revolutionising the way we perceive and interact with the world around us.

Your creative process, once bound by the limitations of traditional tools, is now liberated through innovative technological advancements.

January 27, 2024
LETTER: To the Chancellor from Cheshire tourism leaders

LETTER: To the Chancellor from Cheshire tourism leaders

Tourist, business and council leaders in Cheshire and Warrington have penned an open letter to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt calling for the reintroduction of tax-free shopping for EU visitors – to create thousands of jobs and inject “hundreds of millions of pounds of income” into the region’s economy.

January 25, 2024
Manchester Airport serves over 2 million passengers in December for first time

Manchester Airport serves over 2 million passengers in December for first time

Manchester Airport served over two million passengers in the final month of 2023, breaking the milestone for the first time in the hub’s history.

According to new data from Manchester Airports Group (MAG), which owns the airport as well as the fourth-largest airport in the UK, London Stansted, 2,022,905 passengers transited through the north of England’s biggest airport.

January 25, 2024
Why is it important to define a marketing strategy for your e-commerce?

Why is it important to define a marketing strategy for your e-commerce?

E-commerce has exploded in recent years, with online sales growing rapidly and consumers flocking to internet retailers for everything from books to groceries.

As the e-commerce marketplace grows ever more competitive, you need to have a well-defined marketing strategy in place.

January 24, 2024
LETTER: Crackdown on over-running utility works

LETTER: Crackdown on over-running utility works

Dear Editor,
When utility company roadworks overrun, it’s motorists who pay the price with congestion, detours and longer journeys.

This is why I’ve announced a plan to crack down on works by utility companies overrunning.

January 23, 2024
Binary options trading legality: A global perspective

Binary options trading legality: A global perspective

Binary options, a form of financial trading, have garnered significant interest worldwide.

Yet, the legal landscape for this trading method varies across different regions.

January 23, 2024
Cllr Janet Clowes

LETTER: Cheshire East Council – reserves, revenue and risk

Dear Editor
Okay, council finances are dry reading but CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy) offers a useful explanation of Council Reserves because reserves are important.

They 1) cushion the impacts of uneven cash flows and avoid temporary borrowing. 2) provide a contingency for unexpected emergencies and 3) can be ‘earmarked’ to meet anticipated requirements.

January 21, 2024
Ultimate travel checklist: Top tips for seamless and stress-free globetrotting

Ultimate travel checklist: Top tips for seamless and stress-free globetrotting

Embarking on a journey around the world is an exhilarating experience, but meticulous planning is the key to ensuring a seamless and stress-free adventure.

January 19, 2024
Understanding compensation procedures for overbooking incidents with Iberia

Understanding compensation procedures for overbooking incidents with Iberia

Overbooked flights are more than just a minor inconvenience.

They can cause you to miss the business meeting of a lifetime, a cherished friend’s wedding, and even the birth of a new family member.

January 18, 2024